Chapter 2

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Dipper stares in shock

Bill smiles
"You made a deal with me PineTree!!! What did you think was gonna happen??"
"I-i dunno, you were stone!!"
Bill laughs
"Yeah, no shit PineTree, but making a deal is the only way to break the stone and set me free!! Thanks PineTree!! Time to-"
Bill looks down at Dipper

Dipper sighs
"We made a deal, you need to fufill your end of it"
Bill raises an eyebrow
"Your serouis about this?"
Dipper nods
Bill shrugs and sighs
"Alright, yeesh kid, Fine. What do you want me to do? Kidnap ya?"
"Isnt that YOUR job to figure out?"

Bill rolls his eyes
"I assume so, Wheres your family?"
Dipper shrugs
"Off somewhere without me as always"
Bill frowns
"Things have gone to shit while i was gone Eh?"
Dupper nods
"Basically, Everyone loves Mabel now, hate me though"
"Yet you've saved them hundreds of times? Got them out of trouble when they needed? Without you your sister would be the wife of Gnomes, Your Grunkle ford would still be trapped in a different world, Your grunkle stan would be in jail, and I'd be ruling the entire earth"

Dipper thinks for a moment before his eyes go wide
"Hey yeah!! Your right"
Bill smiles wide
"And if you werent there to Save your sister, she'd be long dead, same with your grunkles"
Dipper nods
"Your the most important part of your family PineTree, and they treat you like shit?"
Dipper sighs sadly
Bill thinks before speaking
"I know how important you are, And i know how powerful you could be PineTree"

Dipper looks at Bill
"You do?"
Bill nods
"I could easily get you out of your bad situation, And i could show you what you could, and can, TRULY be."
Bill snatches Dippers hat and looks at his Birthmark
"Your very, very important"
Dipper touches his birthmark and smiles
"What do i need to do?"
Bill puts Dippers hat back on his head
"Bring me all three Jornals, a Crown, and the rift"
Dipper thinks for a moment
"Isnt the rift destoryed?"

Bill shakes his head
"Just like the Jornals, The rift was restored after i was turned to stone"
Dipper nods
"And i just bring them back here?"
"Yes, just bring them back here"
Dipper sighs
"Alright, fine, i will"
Bill smiles happily
"Thanks kid, Remeber, Im always watching"

And with that, He's gone, Leaving Dipper alone once again

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