Date: Niall

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Chapter 14

It's Thursday 7:00 in the morning there is snow on the ground and I'm super tired. I really do not want to get out of bed. I feel like shit. I'm so cold, my nose is runny and my body aches. This is the day I'm supposed to go on my date with Niall. I had a great day planned and now I don't think I an do anything because I don't want to get him sick.

Laying in my bed and complaining to my self. I decide to get out my laptop and double skype Louis and Sascha at the same time.


Louis: Hello love

Me: hey

Louis: Babe you don't look so good.

Me: I know I'm sick and I don't know what to do about my date planned for today. I would hate to cancel on sweet little Niall.

Louis: Babe...calm down your speaking to fast.

Sascha: Hey guy's.

Louis & Me: Hey.

Me: I'm sick and that's all you have missed and also I don't know what to do about my date with Niall today.

Sascha: Aww I'm sorry.

Sascha: You could just tell him you can reschedule.

Louis: Ya that sounds like a good idea I'm sure he will understand.

Me: Are you sure. I feel bad though.

Sascha: Manny I know you have this guilt thing inside of you but you need to push it aside. I'm 100% sure Niall will understand. Right Lou?

Louis: Right. Love just tell him your sick. He likes you and wont let you being sick change anything.

Me: Thanks guys... hey.... Oh boy. (I through the laptop to the side and ran the bathroom to throw up.)

Me: Sorry guys. I have to go but thanks I will tell him. Love you both. *Kisses* bye!

Sascha & Louis: Bye! Get better soon.

~Call ends~

Putting on my robe I blow my nose and start to walk downstairs to make some hot chocolate and give Niall the bad news.

Slipping into the silent kitchen I quietly make some hot chocolate while all the guys were sleeping. Turning my back to get a cup then back around to pour the drink into my cup I am startled.

"Ahh Niall when did you get there?" I said with my nose all stuffed. And looking Niall up and down who is also in a robe and looks like crap.

"I.. uhh was hungry." He shrugs. And trying not to look sick.

"Well look, I am sick so I think we have to cancel our plan's for today." it hurt me to say that.

"Phew really? I'm sick to and was going to tell you I couldn't go today cause I was sick." We both chuckle and pour the warm chocolate into each others mugs.

"Here's an idea since we are both sick why don't we lock our self's away from everyone else and have a sick date!" I say touching my soft lips to the edge of my mug.

"That sounds like a great idea. Let's both go take showers and then we can go into the movie theater room and pick movies and make the other boy's be our slaves!" He chuckles getting really excited but then starts coughing.

"Ok deal. Meet in the movie room when were done! I will let the other boys know the plan." Taking our last sips of the morning chocolate we split our ways.


I slip into the shower, warm droplets hit my back and it sooths my body. The aches slide away and my stuffy nose gets some steam. Best shower ever. I am so happy that Niall is sick to. Oh but that sounds rude. I just mean it as I'm glad today worked out and neither of us had to opt out of the date today.

I wonder what movies we will watch. I hope some funny ones they are my favorite.

My shower was over. I got out, dried off, and put on some yoga pants and a loose shirt from PINK. Grabbing some blankets and pillows I carry them down stairs then talk to the other boys.

"Hey, Liam, Zayn, Harry since Niall and I are both sick and today was supposed to be our date... well it still is were going to have a movie day in the movie theater down the hall and you guys get to wait on us."

Telling them that they all laugh thinking its cute that were having a sick date and how they are our servants. They all looked at each other then back at me and shook their heads in agreement.


Niall and I lay upon a giant bean bag with pillows, blankets, and tissue boxes.

"Well what movie should we watch first?" Niall says looking at the DVD's inside the cabinet.

"Hmm...I love romance's, so we should watch these two. Pointing at a shelf with twenty DVD's on it.

"I cant really see where your pointing... so I will pick two movies and you will pick two and then we will see which one will be first and so"

"Ok." I reached on the shelf and pulled off The Vow and Mean Girls. When I climbed back to the bean bag Niall was sitting there with his movies. He had Ted and Magic Mike. After a few minutes of decision making we decided on 1: Magic Mike 2: The Vow 3: Ted and 4: Mean Girls.


This day has been pretty great. We had many laughs, sad moments, and action filled moments. But best of all I felt that we really connected.

We had both fallen asleep in the movie room. The next morning when we woke up we were both still sick. I was a little more healthier than him, but in a way that was good because today was my date with Liam.


I wrote this when I was sick... cant you tell. Haha This is so cute! Sorry there is not much detail but I try! Liam's date is next..wonder how that will be? Feedback!!!

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