Trainee Schedule

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Beaucoup de gens m'ont demandé l'emploi du temps de trainee, donc le voilà !


Basic trainee Schedule :

07h30 : Wake up and breakfast08h - 11h : Study11h - 13h : Dance13h - 14h : Lunch14h - 17h : Vocal lesson17h - 19h : Gym and dinner19h - 21h : Korean class21h - 23h : Record song (vocal) 23h - 01h : Dance 01h : End of day !

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07h30 : Wake up and breakfast
08h - 11h : Study
11h - 13h : Dance
13h - 14h : Lunch
14h - 17h : Vocal lesson
17h - 19h : Gym and dinner
19h - 21h : Korean class
21h - 23h : Record song (vocal)
23h - 01h : Dance
01h : End of day !

It depends on your training, but stick to this list :

30 mins for morning routine
3 hours of study.
4 hours of dance
1 hour for lunch
5 hours of vocal
2 hours for gym, dinner and night routine
2 hours of korean class

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