Chapter One: Part Two

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"Everything Alright?" Brady was the one to answer finally after the awkward silence between the pair. Troy and his obvious impatience his hands now held to his hips while Emmy just seemed nervous which was frankly a strange demeanour for her to have.

"I need to speak to Em" he replied flatly but his gaze held on the small brunette.

"Okay..." Brady turned to Emmy who simply gave a single nod as she extended a hand to help Brady from her seat while it remained in an awkward silence amongst them while the pregnant woman got up but as soon as she was gone Troy has inched closer reminding Emmy of the pairs now lack of boundaries a box in which she had opened. Troy stood easily over her blue eyes seeming to search the porcelain face.

"Did you need something or did you just come to stare at me?" The words seemed to amuse him as he snorted and a smirk crawled across his lips.

"We finished dealing with the back fencing. The new border has cut us short but we are smaller in numbers anyway so I guess that doesn't matter" he explained getting back to the point of the matter while Emmy nodded as she edged away from him "I've been informed of a run. You authorised that?"

"I did" Emmy made her way over to her father's old desk. Slender fingers tracing the wooden edging before finally standing in front of the maps laid across it "after what happened it's left us short on well everything plus you know my other reasons for these runs.."

Troy let out a 'hmm' following her to the desk and letting his hip lean against the wooden top "Anyone else know about why yet?"

"Only those who need to and let's keep it that way" her focus had fallen now on the heavily crossed out map in front of her. The frown that was beginning to form as her eyes trailed over it.

"Em, we still need to talk.."

"About..." she raised her gaze but instantly regretted it when she saw the look on his face as his chapped lips pursed and brow furrowed she knew, she knew straight away "Troy..."

"I've waited, haven't I? I've waited given you the time...Huh?" He pushed off with such ease making Emmy freeze on the spot. Her head remained low but her darkened eyes followed his every movement as the taller figure came around the same side of the desk as her "it's been a while now and here we are still with no answers, no conclusions" his fingers drummed aimlessly on the dark chestnut wood.

 Her head remained low but her darkened eyes followed his every movement as the taller figure came around the same side of the desk as her "it's been a while now and here we are still with no answers, no conclusions" his fingers drummed aimlessly ...

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"I know, Troy. I've been here two, haven't I? Dealing with everything every day and now with my dad gone I just..." she let out a sigh eyes closing for a moment. Things were stressful but this situation Emmy was constantly shoving it to the back of her mind because it was easier that way but when she was alone with Troy that was quickly changed and it was suddenly like she was in quicksand.

"Hey, Hey take it easy" he reached out and placed a single hand on her shoulder. Emmy knew enough that it was a sign of comfort he was an odd creature trepidatious in some areas and forward in others.

"I'm fine but can we do this later?" He was oblivious on social cues mostly but Emmy did her best to plead with him.

"Alright.." he gave a single nod before patting the hand once against her shoulder before letting his hold on her fall "I'll check on the front fences" was all he said before leaving her alone with her thoughts.


It had gotten later into the night as she slumped back onto the old worn leather chair rubbing a thumb and four fingers at the bridge of her nose over the pounding that was increasing in her mind.

"Do it!"

The words echoed from her mind another reminder of that day. A never-ending memory constantly knocking at the back of her brain.

"Fuck, get it over with" the weak voice was just a memory but felt as real as the day it happened.


"Please do it" Chris whimpered as his brown eyes focused on his hand the nasty, jagged edges of the torn flesh blood was pouring from the wound.

"Sarah are you ready?" Emmy questioned needing confirmation from the mousy girl who hesitantly nodded her head.

"I need you with me on this" Emmy's eyes were focused on the other girl who gave another nod.

"One, Two...." before the next word left her lips Emmy brought down with full force the large machete tearing through Chris's wrist. The flesh, muscle and tendons snapping away with ease while the bone cracked under the force. Chris was letting out a deafening scream as he sobbed before Emmy brought down another blow this time severing it completely. The red thick substance had stained her face and clothes as it continued to expel from the open wound.

"Now Sarah" Emmy spoke the nervous girl was quick despite her shaking hands she passed the heated frying pan to Emmy who took it firmly with a firm hold she pressed it to the open wound the sizzling of the skin filled the air until it had been sealed. Chris was pale from the blood loss but he was alive and that was all that mattered. Having to drag him into a random house instead of the infirmary hadn't been ideal but at least the job was done.

"Thank you..." Sarah whispered clutching her semi-conscious boyfriend close to her chest her fingers entangled through the dark waves of hair on his head.

"It's not over yet. We still need to keep an eye on him hopefully we caught the infection in time but he could still fall to infection so it's really important we keep a close eye on this" Emmy explained as she shuffled around doing the best she could. Some alcohol, tape and a pillowcase were all she could do to clean and bandage the wound at the moment.

"But he will be alright I know he will" Sarah whispered placing a kiss to the other teen's forehead. Emmy couldn't help but admire the love-struck too Chris being bitten to protect Sarah while Sarah stood by the boy in his time of need it really was something a rare dedication these days but none the less sweet to see. Sarah cradling the dark hard boy "thank you Em. I don't know what we would do without you."


Emmy's eyes fluttered open after the memory became distant in her mind the window beside her letting the moon cast its light into the cabin. It had been a long six months but Emmy knew it was only going to be harder all she had to do was keep pushing through holding onto her last shred of hope that seemed to slip through her fingers every minute like grains of sand but as long as one piece remained in her firm grasp she would hold it with all her might.

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