The news and it's aftermath...

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The next day, RohiRat chose the time to call Mahi Bhai very carefully, they planned out everything and it was decided they use an unused corridor if Virat's friends clininc for the setting.

Virat got all the fake reports arranged. And for good measure he made Rohit practice a few times till he was satisfied that Rohit sounded convincing.

And the they sent Mahi Bhai the reports on wapp and patiently waited for him to see.

MS Dhoni, captain cool, was at that moment pretending to be a horse for his daughter. He wouldn't have picked his phone if not Yuvi by coincidence had called just then. As he cut the call his eyes fell on the message from Ro.

He opened the pdf's and his eyes literally dilated with shock...these can't be  He will have to call Ro.

"Papa?" Ziva tugged at his pants.

"SAKSHI" Mahi shouted.

She came rushing in cause Mahi didn't normally shout.

"Take Ziva away for sometime pls" Mahi said trying to keep his legs from buckling up with the shock.

"What...what happened?" Sakshi asked.

"Later...for now take her...pls" The voice had such an pleading urgency that she immediately scooped Ziva in her arms and left.

And as soon as they were out, MS's legs gave in. He sank in the floor and with shaking hands video called Rohit.

"Bhai" Rohit said appearing on skin.

"Ro, what were those reports supposed to mean?" Mahi asked urgency evident in his voice.

"Bhai... yesterday during practice...suddenly Vi lost consciousness." Ro said "We got him to the hospital...then they did some scans and now they say...."

"What are they saying Ro? Tell me...pls...tell me" Mahi said.

"They...say...Vi...Vi has brain tumor" Rohit blurted out, his voice tear stricken and almost a sob escaping his lips.

Vi looked at him appreciatingly from outside the frame. "That was some kickass acting" he thought.

But for Ro, it had been an genuine emotion. He knew this was all an act, but somehow even the imagination if losing Vi moved him to tears.

And for MS Dhoni, if he had had any doubts about the truth if this situation, seeing Ro's genuine emotion, he completely believed that it's true.

He felt someone has squeezed that breath out of him. His kid, his boy had brain could this happen?

"Bhai...come fast na? Pls." Rohit said.

"Yeah...yeah... I am getting the earliest flight possible" he cut the call.

He tried to stand up, but it felt like his legs had no power. He wished with all his heart that his kids suffering could be his. And he felt like his heart would burst into pieces with the pain. And he sat their numb with shock.

Here as soon as they cut the call, Rohirat started celebrating like crazy. Bhai was at last coming, without realizing that their Mahi Bhai was actually lying on the floor in his home feeling like the last bit of life has been sucked from him.

And that's how Sakshi found Mahi after she had made Ziva busy with something and come to find what's wrong with Mahi. She was shocked to she his state to say the least.

She rushed to his side.

"Mahi... Mahi....what's wrong?" She said making him sit up against a wall.

"Can...can you book me a ticket to Johannesburg? The earliest flight" Mahi said somehow trying to get a grip on himself.

"Yeah...but suddenly why? What happened? Why do you look like this?" She asked.

Mahi told her everything before breaking down into tears. Sakshi held him as she said "I am sure they will find a way to make him well again Mahi...I know you need to be with him...I will book your ticket."

"He will get on na?" Mahi asked, his voice sounding broken.

"Yeah...he will...he will." Sakshi reassured "Should I come with you?"

"No Sakshi" Mahi said "Stay with Ziva, I will manage to go alone."

"Sure?" She asked seeing his state.

"Yeah" Mahi said firmly.

And and a few hours later he was in a flight from Ranchi to Dubai, from where he had a connecting flight to Johannesburg.

He had messaged Ro that he was coming and his flight number and stuff.

He felt so jittery that he couldn't keep still, he felt as though the flight wasn't going fast enough...that it was taking too long. He wanted to be near his kid this very tell him not to be scared, to tell him he is there.

And as luck would have it, the flight in Dubai got delayed by six hours.

He didn't know if he could even sit it out for that long. He needed to calm himself and he did what he never ever did.

He took a dose of sleeping pills and slept after asking the flight attendant to wake him up if his flight was announced.

But they didn't have to. He soon startled up awake with from a nightmare of Virat fading into abyss from his arms.

He could feel his heart beat rising and his hands starting to shake. He somehow managed to drag himself to the nearest bathroom and locked himself in a cubicle before his body broke down with a wave of panic attack.

He sat there on the toilet floor his whole body shaking, his heartbeat rising and his hands clawing on the floor.

It felt like eternity before his body was back under control, he was sobbing and he was exhausted. The captain cool, master if emotions had been turned into an nervous emotional wreck just by the fear of losing his dear little brother.

And unknown to him his brother actually sat safely in an cozy hotel in Johannesburg laughing with his best friend while he was on a airport bathroom floor trying just muster enough strength to get up and walk back out to the lobby.

A/N: Hey guys! Long time no see...I know and I am incredibly sorry...I had to take a break off of Wattpad to get a few things on track...but I am back now and I am updating give this a read and like always comment and you all...❣️

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