Part 4

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"You're quiet tonight."

It took a moment for Dracula to realise he was being spoken to, and another few moments to recall what Lucy had said, and formulate an answer. Yet Lucy could never resist filling a silence, and so his answer stalled on his tongue. Clearly she had asked the question by rote, as it was the thing to say, and not because she was genuinely concerned...

"I mean you are always the dark and brooding type, you even insist on meeting in cemeteries..." Lucy trailed off, turning to look around her at the silent graveyard.

"I just have a few things on my mind." Dracula replied dismissively, the annoying thought buzzing about his brain that Agatha would have waited, she would have glared at him until he answered to her satisfaction.

"Well that's your problem, you need to think less." Lucy replied with a bright smile, like she had just done something clever, like curing cancer.

"That is not something that is so easy...for me." Dracula replied with a wry smile, and as expected the little dig at her intelligence went sailing past. "My past is bothering me tonight...I need you to entertain me...distract me Lucy."

"Oh well, I can show you some of the strange messages I got this week. Honestly the weirdos on the internet just get stranger and stranger...There was one from this woman, I think she thought she was some kind of psychic. Total fraud. She told me to be careful who crossed my path, that I was going to die soon if I didn't change my ways. Total nutcase. I'm not even twenty-five, and I'm getting married in three weeks, I'm not dying anytime soon."

Frowning Dracula wondered if that was Agatha too? She had certainly fooled him with the dating app, who knows how many profiles she had created just in the hope one would catch his interest. Perhaps she had discovered his connection to Lucy and was trying to interfere there as well?

"I hope you reported her."

"Yeah of course, only the account was shut down, she apparently only set it up to send that one message to me, and then poof disappeared. I told my friends, and they think it might be one of my ex's stirring shit up, now they know I am engaged."

"Ah yes to the stalwart Mr Quincy Morris...Does he know you meet strange men in graveyards." Dracula teased, taking off his trench coat to lay it on the ground, it wouldn't do to get grass stains on his new suit.

"Quincy knows what he needs to know. And besides its not like we're fucking." Lucy countered in the blasé way she did everything. She honestly didn't care what anyone thought, and she never let potential disapproval, step in the way, of her doing anything she wanted.

"Although we will probably have to stop after I'm married. I think a husband might ask, a few too many questions about where I am sneaking off to." Lucy added with a wink.

Sighing Dracula smiled knowingly. "Oh, don't worry Lucy we will wrap this all up, long before you are married...And what a beautiful bride you will make."

"Yeah I suppose." Lucy replied, her bright smile fading slightly. "My dress has turned up finally. Mum keeps insisting I try it on, I keep telling her to wait, that it is bad luck."

"Oh, but I'd like to see you in it, at least once." Dracula teased, as he lay back against the grass, and stared up at the sky. There were precious few stars out tonight, one of the only draw backs from all this technology was the light pollution.

"You could come to the wedding. We could say you are a distant cousin of Quincy's..."

"Alas unless it is a night time ceremony..."

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