A short Yandere story

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 The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. I looked down to see who it was? It was my best friend, Mike. Mike explained that there was an awesome party happening tonight. The people hosting the party said that he could bring a plus one so he brought me along. After I got off the phone I started to get ready for the party. I put on a pair of jeans and slipped a black dress shirt on. When it was time for the party Mike came and picked me up and drove us to the party. We arrived a little early so we helped set up. After a while, people started to show up. The DJ showed up so he started playing music.

Me and Jason (one of Mikes other friends) were in a heated dance battle when he did a perfect coffee grind. I had to use the best thing in my arsenal to win so I pulled a backflip! Everyone watched in awe as I completed the winning move. They all started clapping and cheering. After it all calmed down I walked over to the kitchen, to grab myself something to drink. When Mike stopped me, he reminded me that I had just broken up with my ex-girlfriend so he did me a favour and found me someone interested in going out with me. Her name is Cathy. Mike pointed to the backyard and said that she was there partying with some friends. I made my way over to the backyard. I looked around and didn't see Cathy anywhere. I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and was greeted with a hi. It was Cathy. She looked familiar? She said sorry for scaring me and I lost my train of thought. We started having a conversation about the stuff we both liked. After a while, I excused myself from the conversation to get a drink. Cathy stopped me and said that she would get me and her something to drink. I thanked her, and she disappeared through the sliding doors. She returned with a cup of punch in each hand. I accepted my cup and took a sip. After the first sip, I felt light-headed. I asked Cathy what was in this and then passed out on the lawn!

I awoke to a bright light sting my eyes. The light turned off revealing that I was in a basement! I tried to move but I was unable to move. I looked down and saw that I was tied to a chair! The basement door swung open and in walked a woman. She looked like Cathy? The lady walked over to me and asked if I remembered her? I thought hard and long but couldn't remember. But then it hit me, she was my ex! I stared at her and asked how and why she did this? She explained how. She posed as a girl named Cathy to get close to me. Then when she was getting the drinks she put a special kind of sleeping drug in the punch. She said she did this so she and I could be together forever. I thought to myself "This girl has gone full yandere mode!" I started to yell for help. She replied that it was no use. No one could hear me. She said that she needed to freshen up before "The fun we are going to have Tonight". In my mind, I thought I better get out of here! She left and closed the door. I thought hard on how I could escape. Then it came to me If I could break the chair I could escape. So I scooted the chair over to a wall and started to throw myself against the way. After a few painful hits, the chair shattered. And I was free. But I had to escape.

The Basement had no windows so I had to go through the house. I crept over to the door and cracked it open. I could see stairs that led up to another door. I opened the door just so I could squeeze through. I closed the door behind me. I tiptoed up the stairs to another door. I cracked it open and saw a kitchen. I opened the door and made my way to the kitchen. I peeked around the doorway to see the front door. Just as I was about to make my way to freedom another door opened. And out walked my Ex. She started to make her way to the kitchen! I quickly opened the pantry and hid behind a sack of flour. I could hear her footsteps coming towards the pantry. She opened up the door and mumbled "Come out, come out, wherever you are. I know you are in here." I thought to myself what to do? I noticed a frying pan just in my reach. Not thinking at all I grabbed the frying pan and knocked her over the head with it. She toppled to the ground. I dragged her out of the pantry and looked for something to tie her up. I grabbed the rope from the basement and tied her up. I called the police and they took her away. In the morning Mike told me he had no idea that Cathy was my psycho ex. I forgave him and we hung out the rest of the day. The End

A short Yandere storyWhere stories live. Discover now