
196 13 65

" 💫 Feel Special"

username ;
full name ;
other name(s) ; —  max 3 names
stage name ;

birthdate ;
age ;
nationality ;
ethnicity ;

faceclaim ;
  backup ;

agency ;
  backup ;

height ;
weight ;
phrase of choice ; — e.g. quote or motto or cute word

" 🌎 Fancy"

personality ;( Min 7,max 11)
     — trivia : (min 4, max 10)
— background : (min 3 lines)

" 😊 Cheer Up"

skills ;
    dance : /100
    vocal : /100
    rap : /100
    Stage Presence: /100
    charisma : /100

years training ; — no more than 10 years, no less than 1 year


audition ; — link a video that shows off main talent e.g. dance or rap or vocals

message to viewers ;
message to fellow trainees ;

elimination speech ;
winning speech ;

Blank Form:

Turn in Form;

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