never give up hope

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the turtles warmed their hands around the fire and snugled against each other for warmth they ate what little food they had to eat they had no money so they had to savor the food they ate 18'mikey coughed once more we have to go scavenging 12'leo said were out he said showing his satchel empty when are we not out 12'rah growled we used to have all the food we wanted he growled again we used to have food everywhere 12'leo layed a hand on his younger brothers shoulder we had no choice it was run or die he said sadly   you had dads sword in your reach 12'raph yelled stomping his foot i was 5 years old 12'leo defended himself will you two knock it off 18'leo growled pushing both of them hold on nardo 18'donnie said if they get angry they might give us alot of heat 12'mikey held back a snicker lets go 12'leo said if it wouldve been my choice i wouldve fought 12'raph bellowed and have us all killed 12'leo called back they walked until they made it to town the two youngest lagged behind 12'mikey holding his best friend snd twin up  i hate it when they fight 18'mikey whispered into his brothers ear we cant give up hope so quickly he said he carried his twin till the town surrounded them  old shacks buildings that were once beautiful homes and businesses they split up 12'mikey taking his twin as usual he dug around several buidlings  few rotten bagels and a bag of rotten meat he sat with his twin who was to weak to help he handed him some beef eat up might be the last for a few days they both savored a piece of meat keeping more for their brothers dude whats vegas food going to taste like 18'mikey said to his twin way better than this dude 12'mikey responded we cant give up hope i dont think ill make it 18'mikey rasped youa re gonna make it if i have to drag you i am not going to vegas without 12'mikey said confident once we get out of this mess  we ant give up on hope soon the brothers met up again and took their hunt back to their shack and ate 18' mikey coughed violently again still being clutched by his twin were out of cough syrup and theres no way we could get more soon 12'donnie said  12'leo growled  well thats to bad he said we have to get jobs leo 12'raph yelled what jobs are there most stores in this town are closed and the ones that are open dont even pay anything because their being taxed he yelled 12'mikey had to say something then we move down to a richer city get jobs there and come back 12'leo rowled and his youngest bro WE ARE NOT DOING THAT WE ARE STAYING PUT IF YOU WANNA LEAVE GO DONT COME BACK ILL YOU HAVE A HA'PENNY AT LEAST 

then so be it he growled 

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