Frady Cat Herman

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Herman woke up with a start. He realized the noise was just thunder. He sighed in relief at that. There was nothing to be afraid of if it was a thunderstorm. He looked over at his wife Lily and noticed how peaceful she was in her sleep. Herman propped himself up on his right side and began to stroke his wife's long thick black hair.

"I have the most wonderful wife in the world." Herman thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he was thirsty. As scared as he was after hearing that awful story he started to go downstairs anyway. He has never been this thirsty and wanted a glass of water, so he began to walk downstairs.

Grandpa woke up from a deep slumber and was thirsty too. He went into the kitchen the same time as Herman and the two Munster men ran into each other. Herman screamed like a banshee and startled grandpa. Herman turned on the lights and realized who he was seeing as grandpa.

"Grandpa! What are you doing up?!" Herman asked.

"I could ask the same thing about you, ya big galoufa!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"Hey! A-a-all I wanted was a glass water!" Herman said.

"And so did I but look where we are!" Grandpa exclaimed. Grandpa and Herman got into a shouting match but when they heard heavy high heeled footsteps coming down the stairs a mile a minute.

"What is going on here?!" Lily exclaimed.

"I thought Grandpa was madman!" Herman exclaimed.

"Me?! I thought you were an intruder!" Grandpa exclaimed.

"Well, you shouldn't have ran into me!" Herman exclaimed.

"Well you-"

"QUIEEETTTTT!!!!!" Lily exclaimed grabbing both Herman and Grandpa and dragging them upstairs with her but was stopped by Morticia.

"What on earth is going on here?!" Morticia asked.

"These two big glaoufa's caused a commotion in the house!!" Lily exclaimed.

"Why on earth are you two shouting for?" Morticia asked.

"All I wanted was a glass of water and it thought Grandpa was madman!" Herman exclaimed.

"I wanted a glass of water too but my stupid son-in-law thinks that madman is real!" Grandpa exclaimed. "Herman, let me be the first to tell you that story is FAKE!!"

"I-I'm sorry, but you all know me. I'm a coward, and I startle easily." Herman said. Lily rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Grandpa said.

"Both of you! Upstairs!!!" Lily exclaimed grabbing both Grandpa and Herman by their ears. "And Herman, we have a lot to discuss upstairs...."

Herman sat on the bed he shared with his wife and waited in their room. He's gotten a bunch of Lily lectures before, but he was always scared of his wife yelling at him. She was scary when she yelled. Herman was snapped out of his thoughts when lily stormed into the room. Herman braced himself.

"Herman, tonight, a wife was trying to get some sleep, but a husband decided to wake that wife up by stupidly bumping into her father causing the both of them to scream like a bunch banshees!!!" Lily exclaimed. "Tell me Herman Munster, what does that husband have to say for himself?!"

"The husband is very sorry for the disturbance he caused his wife and for waking his wife up....." Herman said.

"Honestly Herman why on earth did you think that madman was real?" Lily asked.

"I didn't think he was real, I just got scared you know how easily I get scared." Herman said.

"I know pussycat, and I suppose it's kind of my fault, I told a scary story without thinking about how much it would scare you....but I did warn you not to be scared." Lily said.

"You did, but like always I didn't listen." Herman said.

"Like you do a lot." Lily said. "And it gets me so angry!!!"

"I hate making you angry." Herman said. Lily cuddled up next to Herman.

"I know, it's just that your such a goofball! But you're also kind, sober, a good husband, a good and devoted father and Uncle, and I love you." Lily said.

"I love you too, Lily." Herman said. Lily day on Herman's lap and he wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I shouldn't have gotten so angry." Lily said.

"There, there Lily, everybody gets angry at times. You've seen my temper!" Herman said.

"Oh I have! The whole house shakes!" Lily exclaimed.

"I know dear." Herman said.

"Herman, from now on I'm going to be mature and adult about our arguments." Lily said. Herman gave his wife a knowing smirk. He didn't believe that for a second.

"I know you won't dear, because I know you, but I forgive you." Herman said.

"You do?! Thank you surfer fangs!" Lily exclaimed as she nuzzled her head against her husband's neck and wrapping her arms around him. Herman rubbed up and down Lily's back.

"You know dear, maybe it's time we both be adults about our arguments. You're all adult except when you yell at me, but I have the heart of a child." Herman started. "I- Herman was cut off by his wife's steady breathing. He knew she was sound asleep he smiled sweetly at Lily. She was beautiful when she slept. He was in bed with the woman he loved in his arms and to him there was nothing better than this and he didn't want to be anywhere else. Herman pulled Lily closer to him.

"If it weren't for you I wouldn't have my mind right. I wouldn't be kept in check every time I acted like a goofball, and I wouldn't know what love is. Thank you for showing what love is." Herman whispered before kissing the top of Lily's head. He carried Lily to her side of the bed and gently laid her down careful not to wake her. He got her Lily off her nightstand and placed it in her hands. He cupped her cheek and stroked it with his thumb and kissed her forehead. He climbed into his side of their bed and pulled Lily into his arms. He wanted to stay like this all night and never leave his wife's side.

Hello everyone! I hope enjoyed this scary, funny, and romantic chapter! Just so you guys know that scary story was from a scary movie I watched and LOVE!! I'm a horrible movie FANATIC I'll watch any horror movie you want (except the Texas Chainsaw Massacre!🤮) anyway, the horror movie I'm talking about is called madman starring Paul Ehlers as the Madman and I take no credit for that story or these characters! Credit goes to whoever owns them! Before we go, plz go follow my friend natasharussia  and read her stories! She'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Bye!!!😁😁😁

Munsters Meets Addams 2: Lionel's Revenge Where stories live. Discover now