Weekly read: The Holocaust

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To give some context, my 10th Grade English HONORS class is learning about the holocaust. It hurts to just read the memoir Elie Wiesel wrote titled Night. Our Weekly reads are posts dedicated to poems, short stories, videos, and other literature about topics we learn in class. We have to write a SUBSTANTIAL (my teacher says substantive) response by that Wednesday and respond to two of our peer's responses by the end of the week. This Week's videos were Oprah Winfrey and Elie Wiesel's interview at Auschwitz and I survived the holocaust twin experiments. We were supposed to write a 200-word response on these. I responded to one of the worst responses I've ever read in my entire god damned life.

"The videos " Oprah and Elie Wiessel Interview at Auschwitz " and " I survived the Holocaust Twin Experiments " are both focused on the Holocaust. Throughout the time the Holocaus twas taken place many Jews were treated poorly. They were tortured and killed. Watching the first video the most touching point was that these people had no idea what was going on. They had no idea what they were actually getting themselves into. They were told that they were gonna shower but actually they were getting killed by being strangled. Not only was that happening to them, but also they were getting separated from their families. In my eyes being separated from your family and realizing that they have passed away is the most worst feeling anyone can ever experienced. In the second video there was a lot of touching points as well. What I found more interesting was when Eve realized that her father and her sisters were missing and were separated from her mother. She said that after that she never saw them again, that has to be the most hurtful moment in someone's life. Not being able to see your family, to not being able to even say goodbye to your loved ones. A very cruel thing they did to people was use twins are their guinea pigs for experiments. People are not toys or objects, to be used as experiments. While doing experiments on people you can cause them damage. Like in the video, one of the twins find out that her kidneys haven't been larger than a 10 year old, which means she won't be able to have kids of her own. You see with treating humans as an object you ruin their lives. Now Miriam won't be able to experience giving birth to a child of her own"

Being strangled?? BEING STRANGLED?? You got to be fucking kidding me. Nowhere in either of those videos did it even mention being strangled. Also, this had to be fucking written on a phone because my Grammarly is lighting up red everywhere. This Honors student really said "Most worst feeling". "Jew were treated poorly"? there are so many things that I can say about this that I can't even get to without going on a long-ass rant. Also who the hell is Miriam? Do you as the reader know? Of course, you don't! Unless you watched the fucking video which you probably didn't. She needed to introduce Miriam and introduce Eve. Also, she got the facts completely off. If I remember correctly Miriam had two god damned children. The second one she died giving birth or something like that because of kidney failure. So my response to this absolutely horrific post was:

"I enjoyed your response and the many different points you made in it. For example, the point of not toying with peoples lives. Although, I do recommend reading/watching any material at least twice before you write a response. Throughout your response, I found a lot of tweaked facts from the video. Other than that, it was a delightful response with an excellent base and a lot of emotion behind it."

I know what you all are thinking, "Why didn't you light her up? Tell her all the little things she did wrong!" but the problem was that I was laughing too hard to even come up with a response. I wrote down 50 or more words and submitted it. Also, the people at my school can't take criticism. Now the next response to this same weekly read was a little bit better but her grammar and shit was off.

She responded like this:

" The interview with Oprah and Elie Wiesel was shocking to hear. Elie Wiesel lived through hell without ever hating. Who's been exposed to the most depraved aspects of human nature but still manages to find love, to believe in God, to experience joy. The fact that Elie, at age 15, survived the horror of the Holocaust death camps. Through his eyes, we witness the depths of both human cruelty and human grace. Elie was separated from his mother and sisters—but he held close to his father. The horror of the camps was unreal. On his first night in Auschwitz, Elie saw German soldiers throwing Jewish babies into a fire, then pinched his face to be sure that he wasn't dreaming. "For a long time," he says, "I wondered, Did I see that? I sometimes doubt my own eyes. He stayed graceful after everything that happened to him. In the other video by Eva Mozes Kor...... She and her twin sister Miriam, who was born in Romania, were the only members of her family to survive the Holocaust, after being sent to Auschwitz in 1944. They were liberated 18 months later by the Soviet army. After being an experiment of the death angel she stated that she would be naked 8 hours and would be compared to her twin sister. She stated that she had the power to "forgive" after being a victim. "The themes of Eva's life are apparent. We can overcome hardship and tragedy. Forgiveness can help us to heal. And everyone has the power and responsibility to make this world a better place. After being tortured she finds happiness inside her and doesn't let past get to her just like Elie Wiesel. "

She uses ellipses wrong, adds more than 3 dots. Listen, that one of the only things that caught my eye before even reading it which is why I wanted to respond to hers. Then this dumb bitch just starts off sentences without a subject. She forgot to end multiple quotes. It's like simply mistakes that show that you didn't even fucking think about this stupid weekly read. She starts sentences off with "and"- which technically you can but you have to do it a certain way to make it right. One of these days I'll write an actual response talking about grammar, parallel sentence structure, tone, syntax, etc. Not right now, not today because this has already gone on for too god damned long.

My response to this was:

"Your response was a good read. I was able to understand how both of the stories had an effect on you. Although, I would've liked to hear more of what the prompt says, what's the most poignant part for you. I also wanted to add that you didn't end one of your quotes with quotation marks but I was still able to understand what you said. I loved how you pushed passed normal boundaries and tried to use ellipses but make sure you only add 3 for ellipses. This is more of a personal preference and also a preference for some literature professors"

I can't even- I wish I would say the shit I'm saying right now. I have a question y'all, should these absolute bafoons be in my honors class?

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