Weekly read #2 (A negro love song)

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To give context, we had to write a 200 response to a poem called a negro love song by Paul Laurence Dunbar. It is an old poem and the dialect makes it a little hard to read. Most if not all words are spelled incorrectly but are supposed to make you read it in an accent. While looking at the mediocre responses, I decided to respond to this girl that I had thought was smart. Then I read what must've been the worst response in the world!!!!

"In the poem "A Negro Love Song " written by African-American poet ,Paul Laurence Dunbar to help use diction to help illustrate his love and affection to a lady/woman. The author use of formal diction to help the readers see the Dunbar point of view to help us as readers imagine how beautiful the lady was .According to the poem line 5-7"Hyeahd huh sigh a little sigh, Seen a light gleam f'om huh eye, An' a smile go flittin' by — "This means that the author thinks the lady is so beautiful that she gleam when the sunlight hit her ,the author use of helps diction the reader understand his point of view.The author also uses diction by the accent the readers may hear whiles reading the poem ;he also uses diction in the word he had wrongly spelled because in that afro American was not encourage or taught to read and write or was not aloud to write literature .Dunbar also uses diction when he repeats this line Jump back, honey, jump back at the end of every stanzas .This also made me wonder why is the author jumping back does he believe that he is not go for the lady does not want her to actually that he likes her ."

Do you guys see what I have to read? I'm not even an English teacher but I feel horrible for them! I'm just so done with these people that probably haven't even taken a single 6th-grade English class! Was she high? Did she not understand English? Maybe she was a foreign exchange student! Only God knows but oy my lord. I just- what is wrong with these people?

My response to this was:

" I liked reading your response. You had a lot of similar views that I had and you also did your research on the time frame this was made. Although your wording could improve, I found this response to be appealing. I also liked how you were able to fully understand what the diction does for the overall tone and theme of the poem."

I try to be nice but with idiots like these, it's extremely hard. Everyone reading this knows what diction is right? They know that diction is literally the words of the poem/ piece of literature. It's what could have been chosen for what was chosen. Is this really an honors class?  I tried hard to get here and these fuckheads are just ruining the entire class for me.

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