18 : What about them?

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  • Dedicated to To all who wanted me to update, this one's for you~

"What do you mean I'm going home?" I asked the guard who yelled right at my ears.

"You heard me you maggot! Pack your things and get ready. Your parents are here to pick you up...Stupid rich brat." He mumbled the last part, as he left.

I looked at my boys. Xero and Adrian had a sad look on them. While Chaos, had the most surprising look on his face than the other two. He was pouting his lip, and was looking down. Was his lip trembling? I feel bad now.

What's going to happen to them? We've been here for a long time already. They're a part of my family. They made a huge impact on my life in Juvie, they're already a part of me.

I turned to them. "Don't worry guys! Once I get out of here, I'll come straight back and pay yall's bail! So we can all be together! Okay?"

Their eyes were filled with doubt.

The same guard who announced my releasement came, and dragged me by my arm, quite roughly I might say. "Hurry up! Gosh, kids would be extremely happy now. Just wait 'till daddy and mommy leave you on your own, and won't be here to help you out anymore. You'll be on your own."

This guard is getting on my nerves!

I blew some of my black hair out of my face. And turned my narrowed eyes towards him. "Just you watch, once you don't have weapons, your on your own. Nobody to help you once my hands take your life." I said with a wicked grin, that can even put the Joker to shame.

I saw him shiver. Bullseye.

"Oh, did I hit

a nerve?" I said walking closer to him. I could feel my boys' eyes on me. "Just pray to god, you'll stop getting on my nerves. You'll live longer."

He stayed mute, and just started dragging me out. Just you wait guard, I will take you.

I turned around and looked at my boys. I tried my best at a wave, that just came out straight up weird looking. A single tear came out of my eyes. I can't leave them! They mean a lot to me... Okay, I will bail them out. It's decided.

"Chaos, Xero, and Adrian!! We'll see each other! And it's going to be outside of this hell! Just wait for me okay?!?" I yelled to them.

I swear I saw them smile, and laugh, which brought me my own smile to surface.


After I packed all my things, I was walking out of the Juvie department. It was my first time in months in the real world. It feels so weird, not being with my boys..

I spotted my parents, I quickly ran to them, but not before flicking off the guards, and making fun of them. What? They deserved it, those douche bags..

As I reached my parents, I saw them smirk. I was confused, shouldn't they be happy that I was out, and show a genuine smile? Then I figured it out. They saw my green with hazel eyes, and black hair. Why can't they just be happy with just me?

And next to them I saw Rose holding Lea behind my parents.. I don't know why but it pissed me off seeing her, holding my flesh and blood. Lea's mine and nobody else's. I skipped my parents, and walked straight towards her, and snatched Lea out of her arms and into my own.

"Mah maw?" Lea said in a daze looking at me.

My mouth dropped. Did my baby girl just say "mama"? I was in shock! Tears of joy came out of my eyes unconsciously. I missed her so much. I hugged her really tightly, like if my life depended on it. I saw in the corner of my eye, Rose looked pissed.

"Isn't it a miracle? She said 'mama', has she said anything else?" I asked her with a twinkling look in my eye. Probably cockyness.

"Nope, this is her first word." She said with a fake smile. "Congrats."

I smirked, "Thanks." I turned towards my parents.

"Mom, Dad?"

"Yes Avery?" my mom said.

"I need a favor.."


A week has passed. It was hard, but I finally convinced my parents to let me borrow or loan money from them, enough to pay my boys bails. Hopefully they won't ask how much, I think they'll faint hehe~

I was outside the Juvie department in a white t-shirt, and black short short. Not those short shorts that make me look like a prostitute, my dad will never let me wear those in public. I left Lea with my parents at home, apperantly Rose lied when she said she was taking care of Lea. My parents actually hired a nanny, while Rose was doing who-knows-what.

I still had my black and green with hazel eyes, but something's weird. I'm seeing some white strands, and a change in color in my eyes.. Wonder if I will truly change back to how I look like before. Ah, I don't care.

I had my back turned from the door, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a chin on my shoulder. I gasped in the inside, I will never gasp out loud (or try to anyways), and looked to see Chaos smiling sidely at me.

Adrian was on my left side, and Xero on my right. They both had similar smiles. Their smiles said it all. It had happiness, love, and was that gratefullness?

I pulled out of Chao's arms and turned so I could see them all.

"Didn't I say I would come back for y'all?"



Author's Note :

Okay, yes it has been a long time. I couldn't help it. I don't have a laptop anymore. Mine broke and yup, yall know where this will go. Yes this is un-beta-ed. Lots of mistakes and errors. Well I just wanted to update on this and let yall know, I will probably stop at 20 chapters. Yes the end is coming up! Oh no! But the good thing is, I want to write a sequel. And I'm thinking of naming it "Living with Delinquent Boys", doesn't that sound nice? (; Kind of tells you what's it gonna be about...

Hope your not mad! And my experiments fans, I'll try to update on that story next. I'm so sorry for the long wait..

I hope y'all forgive me. So yeah, I won't update frequently, I'm sorry :(




-Keep Reading!

And thank y'all for always being here for me! Love ya guys! Hope yall enjoy this story as much as I love writing this! I can't wait for the sequel! And again, I ask for y'all's forgiveness! Sorry for the mistakes, errors, and shortness, atleast I updated right?

~Lili (:

See ya next time my little freaks of joy~

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