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After meeting mom we head to the twilight village as I promised the man from yesterday. With me are Rina, and a few guards from the mansion. "How come your kingdom, the moonray, doesn't have a castle?" Rina suddenly ask which makes me feel uncomfortable I look at the side

"You don't ask such thing to the high princess!" Finley, the son of the head guard and one of the best one shouted at Rina who shakes from the sudden action

"I-I'm sorry" she immediately apologize which I just nod and we continue our way to twilight village

We near the village at first the atmosphere was dead like no one is leaving there then suddenly it changed and we see the twilight village, man and women working, children playing at the field. We stop at shock "impossible" I mutter

"It's her highness!" Man shout and many gather around us some look from their house. I dismount the horse I have been riding and the man from yesterday greet me

"Her highness" he said with a bow "I'm glad you came" he continues I just nod

"What is the cause of your suffering?" I ask as he lead us towards the forest where darkness can be seen

"Every night creatures have been going to our village they would take our sheep, cow and sometimes kills a kid" the man said I think for a moment. A creature that takes sheep and cow would make sense but a kills a kid doesn't. I look around and find a tree that have scratch and the next one is not quite for from the other

"I see, we will investigate" I nod to one of the guards to start investing as he nods and take two guards with him "mean while we will look around" I said the man nods in relief and said goodbye and me, Rina, Finley and Austin, another guard looks around the village.

"Vanadey, what do you think that creature is?" Rina ask as we walk around seeing children play and some women doing chores

"I think it maybe a werewolf" I said straight forward and look at Rina "there are clues that lead to a werewolf doing it" I continue

"Clues?" Rina ask again and she is one heck of a curious cat

"Well, commonly werewolf eat meat or whatever near them that is meat and there are scratch at tree near us. That is why there is it maybe possible" I explained

"I see" that is all Rina said it didn't take while when we finish walking around and meeting the guard who investigate

"Her highness" the guard bows and look at me "we didn't find who is doing this but" he pose for a moment

"And?" I ask for him to go on

"We find two normy who are badly injured" I was shock  and it might but children that is taken

"Well what are you doing fetch the two normy and bring a physician" all the guards do what they are told and run off

"What we're gonna do?" Rina said I sigh and look at the tree that have scratch on it

"We'll have a look" I said and walk over to the tree. The scratch was deep and I look at the other one and it wasn't that deep as the other but the scratch on the trees slowly fades away.

"Looks like you're right Vanadey" I look at where Rina is and see a marking on the tree. It was a scratch but not from a claw but from a nail since it have a nail stack on it with bit of dry blood.

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