Why bother?

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In the end, why did I bother? Why bother writing 7 parts about something so trivial for just a few people reading it in the end? It's quite simple. I just want to put this out there, because for me this is far from trivial. Being aromantic is a part of my identity, and quite an important part to. And I know there are people out there that are in the same situation I was. They don't realise there is a whole part of them that they aren't aware of. That is a reason for why I wrote this. In the hopes of helping other aromantic people to find that part of their identity.

The second reason I wrote this goes into the first one, but is also broader in a sense. It's aromantic awareness week, which is the first full week after valentines. Therefore I want to make people aware of this orientation, because frankly, stuff like this isn't talked about enough. And that goes for other orientations. A few weeks before I discovered that I was aromantic, all the parts if pride I knew about was lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals. I never knew about being non-binary, pansexual, polysexual, agendered, asexual, genderfluid and especially not aromantic.

That is why I bothered. Because I think it is the right thing to do. Even if just a few people end up reading this, that's good. That is a few more people that know about the fantastic aromantic spectrum. I don't believe this will change the world. But maybe, just maybe, it will help someone else. 

And with that, thank you for reading.

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