chapter 1

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Summer vacation is here and I'm so excited because now I can paint. I can finish all my unfinished works and relax and find buyers and join exhibits.

I Finished my clinics and passed all my subjects although my grades isn't that high. Can't f*ckin wait to finish school. Only one year left. But wew my family would be so disappointed with the grade that I got and they would say and compare.

"why can't you be like your brother?"
"you should think about your life"
"you're the eldest and you should've graduated a year ago"
"you should set an example to your siblings"

Ugh. They're like machine guns, non-stop bullets dude. Non stop.

I hate it everytime they compare. Why do they need to compare me to my brother. I mean I know that my brother is smarter than me and the love him and even praised him!

Two things you should know about my brother is that he's a pig but smart. He's rude, very very rude but they still spoil him because he's smart and way awesome than me, the eldest.

"Veronicaaaaaaaaaaa" shouted my little sister, Zara, downstairs. I was upstairs in my room painting. I got carried away I forgot zara was alone downstairs watching. She gets scared whenever she's alone.

"What are you doing there?" she asked. But she already knows what I was doing

"just nothing" I would tell her nothing because I know that once i'll tell her that I'm paimting she would go upstairs and disturb me. Although I love painting with her but I need some peace and quiet.

My little sister stays with us. Me, my grandmothers and my uncle whenever it's their summer vacation. We would have slumber parties every night. Slumber party meaning we would stay up late and watch movies or binge eating lol and on the afternoon we would paint. I'll give her manila paper and paint or coloring materials like markers or pencils.

Now I'm painting on canvas, using oil and acrylic. I would mix them together so that the oil paint would dry a bit faster. I'm painting two figures smiling, I usually dom't specify the sex of my models because I would want the viewers interpret it in their own way. They may see them with their loved ones or whoever they please.

I got lost with my brush strokes when Zara opened the door and was laughing because she attempted to surprise me and she succeeded.

"Ate what are you doing?" she asked, her eyes lit up

It makes me happy whenever she asks because at least there is someone who cares about what I do amd what I love. Zara is one of the people who appreciate my works.

"painting" I answered blankly because I know what will happen next

"CAN I PAAAAAINT?!" She squealed!

And of course how could I say no to my sweet little 5 years old sister??

Before I could even say something she got her brush and some of the acrylic paint I was using

"could I say no?" i told her smiling

I used red, blue and white colors. I got inspired with a comment from a stranger in the comment section of the music video of cigarettes after sex's song "K" and i'm playing it right now.

Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you.....

And on the comment section I saw the guy's comment. He remembered his ex girlfriend who died in the 70s because of drug overdose and everytime he hears the song he remembers her. And that's why I'm painting now.

I love the smell of paint
I love the sound of the brush whenever I brush it on the canvas
I love to blend paint with my bare hands
I love playing with colors, exoerimenting with them.

"ate does this look ok?"

I looked at zara and she's covered with paint

"ZARA! what did you do?????"

"nothing" she said smiling.

"nothing? That's nothing? You're all covered with black paint!"

"well i thought it looked nice and i wanted to touch the paint and i love it" she talked fast and giggling and just having fun. It was priceless. I mean having fun with your little sister and bonding is just love. Memories.

"zara I did not understand a word." i said then I sighed "come on let's clean you up"

I looked at the clock and gasped. It was already 6:15pm how time flies especially when you're doing something! My uncle would arrive from work and woukd kill me if he saw zara like this.

Around 7:30 my uncle arrived.

"tito maaaax!!" zara shouted

My uncle's a dentist. That's why I'm taking up dentistry because he wants me to be a dentist like him. I mean i'm loving dentistry i just don't like how the professors treat the students i mean hello that's why we're studying right? And that's why we ask stupid questions (according to you) because WE DONT KNOW THE ANSWER

"Hello my little zara! How was your day with your ate?" my uncle asked while hiding something behind his back

"hmmm it was ok" zara said while playing with her doll house

We were in the living room. I was watching and zara was playing with her big ass doll house *this kid is lucky*

"i bought you guys something" my tito excitedly said


we both exclaimed. It was donutS!!! Krispy effin kreme.

Even if my uncle was strict and when you see him he's big and kind of scary. Deep inside he's like a teddy bear fluffy and loving lol. He's sweet. He's our gentle giant *cue tears* just kidding. But really he loves us like his own.

My uncle doesn't have a family. No kids and obviously no wife. That's why he treats us like his own because according to him

"you are my daughters"

My thoughts were disturbed by zara's squeals and laugh. Krispy kreme was her favorite. I mean who doesn't love donuts, right??

"who loves ballet?" my uncle asked while he was eating donuts

"oh i do! I do!!!" zara squealed and then "I know some moves, watch me tito max"

Then she danced it made me laugh inside but she was too cute. Zara's a bit chubby and as the "ate" I would always praise what she's doing because I don't want her to be shy and I want her to be confident and proud with what she does.

"why?" I asked my uncle while getting my second donut hahahaha

"there's swan lake ballet show coming this july. I want you and zara to come with me"

"they have the fench ballerinas and the french symphony orchestra. It's my dream to watch their show" said my uncle while him and zara was doing ballet moves hahaha

"it's only april and the show's on july. Why are you telling this now?"

"well I want you guys to cancel whatever you have planned on july and if someone asks you out or whatever you'll say no because it's reserved for us"


"yeyyyyyy i'm gonna watch ballet!!" zara said


Eyyyy that was long. It's my first time and im sorry in advance if it's kind of chaotic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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