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Giggling flooded the crowded shop as Mr. Deary handed his customer over their recent purchase. If you looked close enough between the ridiculously high stacks of books and slightly crooked shelves you would see two mops of curly brown hair dodging bookcases left and right in an attempt to outrun the other.

"I'll win cause I'm taller!" one called back to the other grinning wildly as she neared her Dad.

"That's not fair!" the slightly shorter one whined "You're only taller cause you're older! I'll be taller than you one day, just wait and see!"

The older of the two stopped and turned around in-front of one of the many bookcases. "No you won't, cause I'm always gonna be the oldest."

"But I've been eating my carrots and Mum says they'll help me grow! And when she has her baby I won't be the youngest anymore."

"But you'll still be smaller!"

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

"Will not!"

Mr. Deary smiled tiredly at his latest customer, who smiled back in sympathy as they left.

"Will too!"

"Will not!"

"Calm down girls." A voice called out from the back of the shop. At eight months pregnant Elizabeth Deary waddled to the counter to stand beside her husband. "You'll scare away customers."

"Sorry Mum." The girls chorused with fake innocence as they waited for her to turn around. Once her back was turned Maggie grinned at her sister.

"Bet you I can climb up that faster." She said as she pointed to one of the older bookcases. It towered over both girls in a taunting fashion, almost begging to be climbed.

"You're on!" The girls quickly scrambled towards it placing their tiny feet on the bottom shelf and trying to pull themselves up. Agathe struggled to climb up a few shelves before giving up; this game wasn't that fun anymore and besides, she knew there were still some custard creams in the biscuit tin.

"Come down now Maggie. I wanna get food."

"Only if you say I'm the coolest sister."

Agathe giggled slightly as she looked admiringly at her older sibling. She wished she could be as brave as her.

"You're the coolest sister ever." Maggie began laughing as she climbed down.

"You'll need more than carrots to beat me!" The girls continued to laugh as Maggie continued her descent, however as she neared the bottom her foot slipped and she was flung back as she tried to keep hold of the wood. The drastic change of force caused the bookcase to come crashing down on both sisters as they yelled for their parents. Their Dad rushed over in a panic, his wife trying her best to hurry behind. However, there was no need to worry for either girls' safety as the books and shelves that should have landed on their heads were floating about above the rest of the wreckage.

This was the first of many incidences that occurred within the Deary household, with each one eventually being linked back to Agathe. However nothing could have prepared the family for an owl to come crashing through their kitchen window on the 24th of April 1991, with a letter declaring Agathe to be apart of a wizarding community, where her adventures were just beginning.

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