The Demon Within Me

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(TRIGGER WARNING: Cursing, mention of murder, suicide, death, grim descriptions)


I was ashamed of my conscience. I knew that I could be doing more to keep it back, so why didn't I? Maybe it was the fact that the action of reeling it back any further would piss it off. Or maybe it was the fear of how powerful it's gotten over the years.

Now I sit in the corner of my bedroom, hunched over and hugging my knees, after another night of terror. I haven't had a decent night's sleep for as long as I can remember because it kept sending me visions of what I'd done in the past through my head. Now I'm too afraid to close my eyes for even a second.

"Come on, Sam. I know you. You don't hate what I've made you do," the voice echoes in my mind.

"Lies. I do hate it. I hate you!!" I shout.

"Sam? Are you okay?" my roommate calls from the living room.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry about that, Katie," I call.

"You should be more careful. Maybe try speaking through your mind?" the voice says. "Especially when you have one of your meltdowns like that. It isn't that hard, after all."

"Oh would you just shut up?" I snap.

"So you can speak through your thoughts. I underestimated you," the voice says.

"Of course you did," I say.

Suddenly, the voice goes silent and I feel a familiar feeling rise in my chest. Oh no... Not again... I think.

"Who could you want to kill now...?" I ask warily.

"You remember that jerk from earlier today...? The one that tripped you and kicked your books away...?" the voice asks.

My eyes widen and my heart starts pounding in my chest, as if trying to escape my rib cage. No... I stand up and pace my room frantically, trying to push the feeling down. "No, no no!! He's just a common bully!! There's no reason to kill him like you did the others!!" I tell the voice.

"All evil people deserve to die. Even common villains like him," the voice says maliciously.

Evil people... Common villains... I think, suddenly realizing something.

"In that case..." I walk over to my dresser and pull the knife from its hiding place under my socks.

"Wait, what are you doing?" the voice asks.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," I say, raising the knife to my chest.

"No! You can't do that!!"

"Really? I can't? As long as I keep you at bay, I can do whatever the hell I want, demon," I say.

I pull my arms away from my chest so I can build up speed, and stab myself before my demon can react.

After that, the world slows down as I fall onto the floor of my room. Then, my world goes black.


I hear a thud come from Sam's room and walk over to her door. "Sam...? You okay, in there...?" I ask.

No answer.

I grip the door handle. "I'm coming in. Hope you're decent," I say as I pull the door open. I peek inside, and what I see will scar me for life.

Sam is on the ground on her back, a kitchen knife stabbed into her chest, and laying in a pool of her own blood. Her eyes are wide open, but a calm expression sits on her pale face, as if she found peace in her death.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I can only do one thing: scream.


And that's the first story! I know it escalated quickly, but this is short fiction, be like that sometimes. I'll continue to post little short stories here until I run out of ideas (which I hope doesn't happen). I might even do some two-parters if I feel like leaving you on a cliff hanger.

If you want to request a story or give me a prompt to write with, it would be greatly appreciated! Just try to keep it SFW. I'm not writing any smut. Sorry.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed! I will try to post a story every Tuesday and Thursday so you guys almost always have something to read. I'm gonna stop rambling now so you can get on with your day. With that said, I'll see you on Thursday (or whenever you decide to read the next story)!

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