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The buildings were enormous from this angle, she craned her neck and positioned her head to the point of almost touching the back of her shoulders. The grey buildings blocked out the sunshine and caused the noise of the traffic to reverberate on the street. The noise, the smell, the coldness of the city all around her was dank and depressing, but in actuality, it filled her with such excitement, she could barely contain herself.

The large lady behind her cleared her throat loudly. The lady was behind her impatiently standing on the second step of the bus inside the folding door. Susan was so awe-inspired, that she had forgotten where she was and that there were actually people behind her trying to get off the bus as well.

Susan flushed with embarrassment, her face turning so red that it matched the Fedora that sat on her head, as though it was a part of her. The form-fitting Fedora matched the bright red wool cape with intricate stitching that hung to right above her heals. The cape, lined in black velvet, had three buttons, right at her neck, shaped as cats; she just knew it was the outfit to make the statement she needed to make, for this interview of all interviews.

Susan, apologizing quickly to all the patrons as they stepped off the bus and quickly walked by her; to multiple polite smiles, smirks, and one or two rolled eyes. She waited for her small travel bag to be handed to her from underneath the bus; the portly bus driver giving her a large smile and a quick "good luck" before he leaped back up the steps.

Then again, still, Susan just stood, as the passengers and the bus exited the bus stop leaving her all alone with her thoughts and the thousands of pedestrians, cars, motorcyclists, bicyclists, buses, taxis, etc; all in a massive hurry to get anywhere but here.

Just days before, Susan was in the front room of her parents' rundown single wide mobile home, with her mom screaming from the kitchen at her father to take out the trash and her father, sitting in an old recliner, stained white t-shirt and cargo shorts, ignoring her mother. Her father, as always, was engrossed in the aging console TV with some game show blaring at the loudest volume possible. Susan did not tell her parents that she intended to go to New York City, she knew they would not allow her.

She chose to hide the fact that she had gotten an interview with the fashion Moguel, Marie Antoinette; the creator of the greatest line of high-end business professional clothing on the international scene. The interview was for her executive assistant, but once Marie saw the designs that Susan had created, Susan was sure that Marie would give her the break that she needed. Susan thought to herself, 'a small-town girl, about to take on the big city!', then out loud, she shouted at the top of her lungs, "HERE I COME NEW YORK!"

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