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It was a snowy, dark night, perfect for going out to drink. As, for their luck, the bar wasn't too full, and the day was way too good not to celebrate. After all, they've finally caught the first apostle, wich meant they were a step closer to ending Phantom Sycthe business for good. After some cups, however, the woman found herself drunk, just saying anything she wanted to her partner. She didn't saw that as a problem, after all this time working by his side, even with all of his flaws, she still knew that he was a good and normal person in the inside, and started trusting him a little. When close to midnight, they decided to stop, after all, Lauren still had work the other day, and getting a hang over wouldn't make a good impression on both her uncle and friends.

- I'll call you a cab, stay here. - The man said, while getting up after paying the bill.

- No... don't go... - she said, with a cute, innocent voice, clinging to his coat. He could help but sketch a smile, since that side of the cop was still unknown for him.

- Okay, okay. Then i'll bring you with me. - He said, while putting her arm around his neck, giving some support to stand up. At the front of the bar, when the cab showed up, another problem.

- I don't wanna enter the cab, hehe... *Hic* - Lauren said, with her voice trembling and face redder than a tomato. Interested in how things would go, Kieran decided to follow along, while asking:

- But, you gotta get home someway.
- I don't wanna go home then.
She pouted, quickly after answering. He couldn't take it, it was too cute. She never really was emotional near him, wich is why those moments were so special and abrupt.

- If you don't want to go home, where do you want to go then, officer?

- To your house!

He was shocked. Never he thought that these words would ever come out from her lips. When he finally got back to senses, they were already in the front door of his apartment. When the door was unlocked, she quickly went to his room and picked a book from the shelves. P.H was still a little confused, who would think that a deadly assasin could be so head over kneels for a police officer. The damage to his heart was incredible, never felt anything like that before. Maybe it was because he was a little bit drunk too, and, if it wasn't, he would just blame it anyway. Leaving only a sigh behind, he headed to his room, only to find the woman seated, reading a book called “The secret garden”.

- How's the book? - He gently asked

- Nostalgic. I remember reading this a thousand times when I was younger. i'd always call this one friend over and we'd read it together.
She said, while smiling a bit.

- Apparently, it really was an important person, this friend of yours, huh? - The man said, with a quiet voice, looking a little disappointed. The woman looked with confusion at him, she didn't really heard what he said.

- I'll get us some water, after all that liquor, we need it. - He then said, while getting up and going to the kitchen. Even more confused, she just got back into reading. Shortly after, he was back, and the awkward silence stayed.

- ... Where's this "friend" nowdays?
Kieran asked, trying to start a conversation once more.

- He's dead, for a long time now.
- Oh. Sorry, I didn't know.
- Don't worry.

And that same silence continued.

- I know about that rule, but, since you asked me something personal, can i too?
She said, closing the book and putting it back in the shelve.

- Sure, it's fair.
He grinned

- Do you have any relatives? Or friends, girlfriends? You seem to be the Lady killer, or the playboy kind, to be honest.

Wish I were drunker - Purple Hyacinth [One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now