Saying Goodbye

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We had been friends for three years...

Saying goodbye was quick, but it wasn't painless. "Well," I said after throwing my last bag in the trunk of my moms van, "that's it... We had a good run mate."

"So we did..." He wore a white shirt and tie under his black hoodie, his hair was it's usual curly self, and his blue eyes seemed to shine with a different light. "I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see each other."

"Well no. I'm coming back..." I said. "But, while I'm gone, make some friends. Or at least one."

He smiled. "No promises."

I hugged him. "I'm gonna miss you."

After a moment of shocked stillness, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt him slip something into my pocket, but I pretended I didn't. I knew he meant it to be a surprise. "I'll miss you too."

Then he let me go. "I'll see you when I can." I said. "Text me, okay?"

He nodded. "I will."

I waved, and walked to the front of the van, where she was waiting. "Said your goodbyes?" She asked.

"Yeah... Time to start over again..."

"Oh, come on Riley, you'll love Edinburgh, it's beautiful, and you'll make plenty of new friends."

"None like Sherlock..." I murmured.

She sighed, staring the car, and drove away, leaving my best friend behind me.

I felt in my pocket, and felt something cold. I pulled it out, and saw that it was a necklace. On the silver chain, was a small shining heart. I smiled to myself, deciding that it would better not to let my mom see it. I held it in my hand, trying to remember every good moment I'd had with him, knowing that one day, we'd have more.

AN: Sorry it's so short... And bad... But thanks for reading it away!

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