Zenitsu x Reader Part 3

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(A/N: so before we get into the story i wanna apologize that its taking a while to get into the lemon.. but i wanna drag it out as long as possible so this and one more part will be it unless i stretch it to about 2 more.. i am doing this because im trying to add gore and horror into the feeling of the story bear with me loves you wont regret it)

Authors pov: (3 hours later)

 As the movie finished you let out a small yawn and sat up from your position of leaning on him as you watched. coming to a stand you began to make your way to the bathroom when suddenly everything got cold and things went dark not even a moment later you woke up in a web both confused and unsure how you got there due to the fact you were there when they killed the spider demon, a rush of fear ran along your body as you just realized you said demon. the webs around your body began to tighten and squeeze you cutting the skin along your arms and legs as well as a part over your stomach. That's when you realized it wasn't web but it was fish wire. so thin and so sharp to the point you couldn't see a thing unless the light would shine on it causing a slight faint glint exposing where it was. tears filled your eyes as you screamed out in pain.

Zenitsu's POV: 

(Y/N) vanished leaving a faint smell behind, my eyes widened as i had realized it was the demon i had been hunting for a 3 years since she left it had caught ahold of her smell and was stalking her for a while. now that she has come home she was in danger. my heart sank as i grabbed my robe and slipped on my slippers my sword hung along my side as it always has and i had gotten another to carry on my back just in case of a stronger demon were to show up and in this case it was about that time.

Running out the back door i jumped onto the edge of my gate and began to run, her smell slowly faded into the wind. coming to a stop i closed my eyes and took in a deep breath focusing my smell so i could find her, catching onto the smell my eyes shot open and with a mere instant i rushed forward running through the woods that surrounded my home, her screams soon filled the air causing resting birds to flutter into the sky and causing my heart to sink, continuing my way forward i was knocked onto my back. gasping out i laid back for a moment before pulling my self into a standing position. 

The Demon stood in-front of me the new lower of the 12 number 3 his skin was pale with a grey darkened tone around his eyes were black pockets as if he had not slept for years his hair was long and hung down along his back his hair was the color of coal a foggy black yet grey color. his face other then everything was normal fishing wire stretched from his skin lacing up into the trees soon he let out a screech his jaw detached the skin peeled causing gaps in his cheeks his teeth was almost share enough to go unnoticed his tongue was long and a deep purple as if he had drowned or suffocated, soon his body started to crack and break as he grew his limbs looked as if they had become snakes spreading and reaching out, his legs cracked and caused him to look as if he was in a squatting position but also looked bent in the way of a spiders legs the sight was horrible but not the worse kind of demon i have seen before. blood ran down his jaw as his eyes slowly seemed to smash into each other turning into one enlarged one, blood ran along his cheeks as the smell of death and decay filled the air (Y/N) was hoisted above his head her blood had dripped down onto his skin which could explain the mix smell of lavender and death coming from the area in-front of me of which he stood.

Closing my eyes i took in a deep breath my right had held to my blade pushing it up ever so slightly as i reached over with my left hand grabbing onto the handle pulling it out my arms felt weak as i tried to push through the fear yet anger that ran through my body caused my blood to rush as i took in a deep breath to relax my mind began to slowly fade and empty, remembering what my uncle had taught me during training. rushing forward i pulled my blade up slashing along his legs causing the beast to fall to his knees, other demon slayers began to show up allowing me to feel slightly relaxed because deep down i knew i couldn't kill him on my own. the battle lasted hours before i got (Y/N) free and into the house.

(Y/N) had passed out so i laid her in bed and asked one of the other females that had come to the battle to help clean up her cuts and change her into her pjs, only because i knew if i tried it would have been perverted i wouldnt be able to look away from her body.

Demon Slayer  x Reader LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now