Coffee shops

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A/n hey guys I'm so excited to be writing this book and have enjoyed all your comments and likes from my previous Spider-Man book. This book was a special request from cryptic_slayer so go check out their account.

"No, no, no!" You yelled out looking at the line in front of you "I can't be late it's my first day" you looked around considering your options. The coffee shop was bustling in the early hours of the morning. Their were pot plants surrounding the windows and a soft breeze from the air conditioner. The coffee shop was spacious with rich wood furniture and brand new machines. You had two options stay in line and be late for your first class or leave now. You mulled over the options deciding you couldn't function without coffee so you decided to stay. You were half way through regretting your decision when a voice called your name, looking around you saw a boy standing at the front of the counter. His soft brown hair tumbled from his head, his skin looked soft and he was dressed casually. "Y/n" he called out again "coming" you said making your way to the front. "What's your order" he asked, you looked at him confused before he nudged your arm snapping you out of your daze. You told the barista your order and waiting for your drinks. When the barista had finally made your drink you walked out of the shop together. "I'm sorry have we met before" you said turning to look at his handsome face. He let out a little laugh "yeah we had physics last year together" you snapped your head at him "I remember you, your names Percy right". He winced "actually it's peter" you're face went bright red in embarrassment "sorry" you said only loud enough for him to hear.

After the coffee shop incident you and peter decided to take a walk around campus. Every second you spent around peter the more you felt butterflies erupting in your stomach. You pushed the feeling down and tried to ignore it. "Hey by the way, why were you in such a rush this morning" peter asked you. You froze, crap. "I'm late for class" you said before rushing off to your next class. You stopped half way turning around to go back to peter you grabbed a pen out of your bag and wrote something on his wrist "here's my number, so we can keep in touch" Peters face went bright red and he couldn't look you in the eyes. "Ok thanks" he stuttered out before watching you rush to your class. He smiled peter had liked you since the moment he first saw you in his class two years ago. He remembered that day and how the soft morning sunlight was creeping through the window and shining down onto your face making it look like you wore a halo. Your hair tumbled in waves from your head and framed your face perfectly. You were perfect and he knew you would never like him. But it seemed fate had other ideas and had lead you straight into his arms.

You slammed the door open your throat feeling dry and trying to catch your breath. "I'm sorry I'm late" you said rushing to sit in your seat next to Mj. The teacher gave you a disappointing look before going back to his lecture. "Let me guess overslept" Mj said you let out a laugh "actually met a new friend" Mj let out a fake shocked gasp "you have friends" you punched her in the arm. "So what's their name" She asked you smiled at her "peter parker" Mj chocked "he finally got the courage to talk to you" you looked at her confused but she waved you off. You saw her thinking to herself before pulling her phone out and creating a group chat. You looked down at your phone and saw that she had sent a text to Ned, peter and you. "What's this" you asked she shrugged "well now that you know peter I think you should meet the rest of my friend group" you hugged her letting an excited scream out "ok, ok just meet me at the coffee shop down the street after school you nodded and pulled her into a tighter hug which she tried to squirm out off.

The cafe lies ahead, its royal blue paint glistening in the golden rays of the day. Outside on the sidewalk the streets are bustling with people rushing to get to wherever their going. A stranger helps you open the heavy wooden door and you are met with bright golds and blues. It looks fancy but at the same time casual. You can smell the fresh coffee steaming and can hear the small chattering of other costumers but ignore it. You see Mj sitting at a table with Ned and you make your way over to them "Ned, Mj how are you" you asked "I'm good" Ned said. You smiled hearing the bell jingling above the door and saw peter walk in "sorry I'm late" he said gasping for breath. You smiled at him his brown hair was messy from running to the shop and his brown eyes were darker under the cafe lights. His eyes were the color of deep sienna, with a mischievous glint that seemed to reflect the corners of his mouth, which were fighting a smile. They were every shade of brown you could imagine, a raw amber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. They glowed with humor and playfulness that gives you shivers and wraps you in a warm embrace at the same time.

Peter saw you and smiled purposefully choosing the seat next to yours. Mj smirked at him but he death glares her back he turned to you and smiled "so what are you drinking" he asked, you shrugged "I was thinking of getting a hot chocolate but I'm too lazy to get off this seat" "I'll get it for you" peter said you smiled at him thanking him a hundred times over. Peter stood up and went to the counter Mj following close behind. "Peter and y/n sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" mj sung out. "Mj she might hear you" peter whisper yelled. She waved him off "she's talking about Star Wars with Ned". Peter looked over at you and Mj was right. Peter liked you, It was weird at first but every day he fell in love with the idea of falling in love. It was unpredictable and crazy but he loved it. When he first arrived at school he didn't notice her, but soon it was different. Soon she was the only thing he could think of. "Don't tell her, I'm not ready yet" peter said letting out a sigh. Mj nodded grabbing their drinks from the counter and heading towards ned and you. Peter placed your drink in front of you snapping you out of the conversation. "Thanks peter" you said pressing your lips to his cheek as a thank you. Peters face went bright red and he was going to question it when his phone started ringing. He picked it up and saw it was from tony putting the phone to his ear he heard Tony's voice telling him to get to stark tower as soon as possible. "I've got to go" peter said sadly you grabbed his arm and asked him if he was alright. He nodded before making up an excuse about the internship. You smiled sadly seeing him rush out of the door and onto the busy streets.

You, Mj and Ned stayed at the coffee shop for another hour before deciding to go home. Thinking about your meeting with peter, he was perfection in coffee hues. his hair and eyes were the colour of dark roasted beans but his skin was all vanilla. He had that shy look about him teens often get when they've grown too much too fast, like they aren't really sure about being a man just yet. He was skinny, but the way his clothes hung gave away the muscle beneath. The moment he had called out your name in the coffee shop it was all over. You had seen him in class before never really paying attention to him but now you wished you had. His eyes were gorgeous in those earthy hues was his soul, not in they way of those cheesy romance novels, so obsessed with lust, but with the kind of beauty that expands a moment into a personal eternity, a heaven you wish to be a part of a sweet distant memo.. CRASH. you had just gotten to your room when the loud crash come from outside your window on the fire escape. Your mind was running with thoughts. Was it a criminal trying to break in or was it a kidnapper or could it be something even worse. you grabbed a baseball bat and stuck your head out the window of your apartment. On the fire escape outside was "Spider-Man?!?!" You heard him let out a loud groan his suit was cut along his chest blood slowly spilling out. "You're bleeding" you said panicking he let out a painful laugh "you should see the other guy" you helped him up and made your way to the bathroom in your room. Thanking whoever was out their that you lived alone. "Hold still" you said trying to bandage his wounds up. He let out a loud hiss whimpering in pain "that hurts" you muttered out an apology before tying the last bandage. He slowly stood up thanking you for your help. "Need anything else" you asked Spider-Man declined only asking for help towards the window. "Don't be a stranger come by sometime" you said. He nodded swinging off into the night.

Hi guys! Welcome to my page! I am active daily so shoot me a message if you have any request or want to message me about any pf my stories 💕

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