Locked up love I

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Draco's POV 

Love is for losers. But, no one can win this battle alone. I call upon the founders, I call upon faith. I reach for non-existent hope. All my friends are fake, my dad never loved me. It was an illusion, of false hope and lies! Those are the thoughts spinning in my head while being beaten for the hundredth time. 


I lay on the ground, barely conscious. My head pounding. I was beaten for the hundredth time.

"*scoff* Such a weakling... Malfoy's don't act like this!" I remark. Stupid.

"But, you're not. You're so much more! You're stronger than you give yourself credit for," A comforting voice insures. I look around, frantically trying to find the direction of the mysterious voice.

"W-who is that?!" I express with alarm, voice breaking. Stupid!

"You'll meet me, in time. So don't worry, just relax, and let sleep come."

"I- But my father! He- he'll get mad! I-" STUPID! NEVER SHOW YOUR EMOTIONS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!

"Shhhh, don't worry. He can't get to you. You're safe now.

"But I-, O-okay fine."



"This isn't Malfoy manner! W-where am I?! What's going on?!"

"You're at St. Mungos, you passed out."

I looked up and saw a healer.

"Oh,... How-... how long...?"

"Two years. We were starting to lose hope. We were going to cut off your support, after the first one."

"Why didn't you?"

"Well, this nice young gentleman asked that we keep you on it. Said he would pay for the expenses."

"Who?" Could this be the person who saved me? Will, I finally meet them?

"Unfortunately I can't tell you, He asked to stay anonymous."



Hi, hope you peeps liked the first part of "Locked up Love!" This took quite a long time to post, as I kept changing things. If you liked it be sure to upvote my story! Thanks! さいよなら!(Sai-yon-na-ra) Goodbye! :D

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