*Zaylen in mm*
Zyah POV
Karmyn tells me what happened between her and Zyan , and it was obvious they liked each other , but damn, who knew my brother was such a freak . After she told me all that and we finished eating I stepped out to talk to my brother , he should just go head and ask her out.
"Zyan!!!" I yelled
"Yess !?" He said opening his door
"We need to talk ."
"About what ?" He questioned
"What happened between you and Karmyn ." I stated
"Oh iight come in" he said while blushing
"Now i did not know you was that much of a freak , lawdd nigga control your hormones. But, you and Karmyn need to go out because yall cute , and yall little emotions need to come together . So just go ahead and ask her out ."i explained
" well damn , i mean , okay okay , im a do it " he responded walking towards the door .
Zyan POV
After Zyah's pep talk I walk into her room and see Karmyn my future bae lookin hella sexy . She looks up at me and smiles .
"Heyy babe" i said while winking and licking my lips
"Babe ? " she questioned while looking around the room
" yeah , i came in here to ask you something."taking her hand "Will you go out with me Karmyn ?" I asked while looking in her eyes
"Yess I will ." She said happily
I looked at her and kissed her passionately, she deepened out kiss . Man I love when our lips crash together , it's like two soft plump pillows . But then i hear Zyah bust in .
"Heyy now, there aint gon be no baby making in here , cause bess frann yo mama gon beat yo ass and Zyan she gonna kill you soo , since ya'll together wear a condom Zyan and we goin to the club to celebrate ."
Karmyn POV
After all of us finished laughing at what Zyah said , little Zaylen walked in
"Well if ya'll going to the club where am I gone go ?"
He questioned
"Well , you gone go to my momma house she will watch over you ." I responded "Is that okay ?" I asked
"Yes , yes it is ." He responded "I'm about to go pack ." He said while walking out
"He is something aint he ." I said while laughing "Come on Zyah lets go get some clothes for tonight .
"Okayy !" She responded
Zyah POV
After we got out clothes and dropped on Zaylen , me and Karmyn headed back to the house . We walked in hearing Zyan singing dive in . We laughed and headed to my room to get ready . It was 10:00 p.m we had and hour to get ready .
I went in my bathroom to shower and Karmyn went into the guest bathroom . I lathered my body with soap and rinsed off all the suds while loudly singing , kissing on my tattoos by August. I stepped out the shower and did my hygiene, cant go to the club with stank breath.
I put on my cheetah bra and matchin panties . I put on a red rose jersey Chicago shirt with 23 on it , w/ black leather pants , and timberlands. I went into the bathroom and curled my hair , i put on a little make up and put on my gold hoops .
I walked to the guess bathroom to check on Karmyn and she just finished flat ironing her hair . She had on a floral jersey with the number 69 on it and black jeans w/ timberlands and a black beanie .
It was now 11:00 and we went downstairs to meet Zyan . When we got down there he was watching tv. He had on black pants with a white jersey w/ 96 , black timberlands , and a black and white beanie . We kind of matching but anyway we headed to the car and then the club.
Karmyn POV
We just arrived to the club and it was live . We went in and they were playing "Freak no more " by Migos
🎶She's a stripper naked dancer but she's begging me to wife her,
When the first time I met lil' mama she was a one-nighter,
Hell nah, I don't love nun' but my money and my rifle,
At the top like Eiffel Tower, I told her to beat it
You would have thought she was Michael!
She don't wanna be a freak no more🎶
Me and Zyah sang in unison , we went straight to the dance floor and started twerking and we seen this girls mugging us . They mad cause we got more as then them . The dj was turnt he started playing only and hopscotch booty . I started twerking on Zyan i felt his friend poking me , then i twerked on Zyah , we was killing it .
I went to the bar and Zyan bought me and Zyah some shots . We started taking them like bosses , we had some straight vodka , lawdd it was strong. Then we had some other strong drinks . I took Zyan on the dance floor because they were playing porn star and kissing on my tattoos by August Alsina.
Zyah POV
After i saw Zyan and Karmyn go to the dance floor a 6'1 man about 19 or 20 came and sat next to me . He was lightskin and nice round eyes .
"Heyy sexy , I'm Omari. What's your name ?" He asked in this sexy voice
"My name is Zyah ."
"Damn thats a cute that fits a fine ass girl like you ." He said while smiling. Damn he got a beautiful smile.
"Can I but you a drink ma ?" He asked while licking his lips. Lawdd his lips look soft and plump and want to kiss him .
"Yea "
"Excuse me can i get two shots of Hennessy ?" He asked
"Sure thing " the bartender said while sliding me and Omari the shots .
"Well on the count if three we gon take it okay " i asked
"iight " he responded
"Ok and three " i said , i took the shot quick , that drink was small but strong
"Aye ma wanna go dance ?" He asked
"Yea " i responded
Just then twerkaholic came on . I started twerking on Omari and i felt his friend poking me . He put his hand on my waist . Just then I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck and moved slow, then he look cross eyed which made me laugh . Then he leaned in and we kissed .
All of a sudden
" BAMM !, bitch im gonna beat your ass now . " i heard a familiar say
I looked to see who it was and it was Karmyn and some other bitch , Zyan found me and told me what happened . The lil hoe tried to dance , twerk, and kiss him but Karmyn wasn't having that . Just then Omari asked for my number .
"Aye ma , before I go can i get your number ?" He asked
"Yeah , its 225-436-5552"
"Iight catch ya later " he said jogging away .
Karmyn POV
I started whooping that bitch ass , I swung left , then right , then i under hooked her . And i punched her in the eye twice . Bet she won't mess with my man again . Finally Zyan and Zyah came to break it up and the security guards kicked us out . The funny part was fight night was playing which got me hype . I saw Zyah pull out a blunt .
"Ayee , bess frann puff puf pass my nigga ." I said with my hand out , she passed it over then Zyan big head ass asked for some too . Sooner or later it became a train .
After that blunt , we was high as the sky , you just don't know .
Long chapter huh ?!
And Karmyn beat the girl ass!
Can Zyah trust Omari ?
Vote and comment!
Xoxo its_tanzyy

Diamond in the rough (Urban)
JugendliteraturWhen Zyah moves out to Los Angles with her older brother Zyan and little brother Zaylen to try and start over after she found out her parents were on drugs and her grandparents were brutally murdered. It all seems good and safe from the start . Unt...