Chapter 1: The Knights Forest

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I really don't know what actually happened when I was younger.
. . .
It is all pretty much a blur, all I remember is that I was running. I was a seven year old girl dragging my three year old sister with me. It has been about two years since our parents have died. To be honest I have no idea how we were able to survive. I  learned how to fight with a blade, but I was not that great since I was like seven. We were lucky that we stumbled upon some merchants though. They taught me how to fight better and they taught me how to use different weapons as well. My sister was still to young, so the merchants wives would entertain her. We traveled with a few different merchants to different places, so we had less of a chance being attacked.

-Then here we are 10 years later-

I was awoken by my sisters hushed yelling "Ava wake up I think I heard something," my sister stated while shaking me. Knowing she woke me because she is too scared to fight. Noticing it was still dark in the Knights Forest. Which is not really the best place to be, so I slowly got up from the tree I was leaning against trying not to make any noise. As soon as I got up a bolt of fire was shot in my direction, luckily I dogged it in time. Then the tree that was behind me is now engulphed in flames. My sister Cira is standing right next to me and her eyes are wide as can be. I look around us and there are several Vale knights surrounding us.

     One of the knights walked towards us, I'm assume it is the one that threw the fire ball. "Why are you two young ladies in the forest?" My sister looks at me and I know exactly what she is thinking, and that is what should we tell them. I quickly thought of something though. I look at the knight, and I give Cira a reassuring wink. "Well good sir, my sister and I were just walking down the main path when we suddenly saw something that caught our eye and we followed it, but whatever it was disappeared and we ended up here. We didn't know how to get back, so we decided to just make camp instead of getting lost even more." After you finished with your false story you hear an extremely loud shreik. You look over and you notice that one of the knights have fallen to the ground, and there is a barage of arrows coming in their direction. "Take cover now!!" one of them shouts. The knight who had asked you the question grabs you by the wrist and you quickly grab your sisters hand. He drags both of you away from the attack, and someone jumps us from a tree.
     The knight who quickly introduced himself as Hunter, grabbed a sword from his sheath; but as soon he pulled it out, it was knocked out of his hand. "Well what do we have here, a young knight and two lovely young ladies," the stranger said. Hunter attempts to use his fire bolts, but is quickly stopped when the stranger grabs his wrist and knees him in the stomach. The stranger knocked the breath out of him where he fell to his knees. I go to grab my blade, but my sister grabs my wrist and stops me. She looks at me with concerned eyes, but I give her a reassuring smile. Cira let's go of my wrist cautiosly and nods. The stranger has completely forgot about us and is holding the knight up against a tree. I quickly sprint over to him and knocked him to the ground. The knight falls to the ground and looks at me in shock while he is trying to regain his breath. The stranger gets up and is extremely shocked. He sprints towards me with a duel blade aiming for my left side. I quickly dodge him while I use my blade to slash his right arm. The knight has finally gotten his breathing under control, so he uses his fire bolt and blasts the stranger in the back. He falls to the ground from the impact and becomes unconscious.
     "Well that was interesting," Hunter states. Cira is now once again standing next to me and staring at the stranger who is on the ground. She grabs a cloth rap that was in the bag that she had on her and began to wrap the strangers wound. "What are you doing?" The knight looks at your sister with a stern face. She finishes rapping the strangers wound and turns around to face the knight. "What kind of people would we be if we just left him to die, we would just be like him." He then turns around to look at me and I was holding the strangers double ended blade. I was to busy examinating the blade to notice that he had asked me a question. Then my sister spoke up to answer his question, "my name is Cira and she is my older sister Ava." I then pocket the blade in my bag and I asked him what his name was. "My name is Hunter as stated before and I'm a night from the Kingdom of Vale," he says with a proud voice. Hunter then walks closer towards us and asked us what we did for a living. "Well I am a huntress and my sister is a cleric" I said. He then stares at me with a peculiar look like I said a joke or something peculiar. With a sigh I grabed my sisters' had and gave her a wink and we disappeared from the knights sight like a ghost in a mist.

(I know the first chapter is short, but this all I could think of for it so enjoy.)😊
(Story word count is 955)
(Edited by Bunny)

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