All About Us (Crawford Collins)

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Ever since your were at the young age of 4, you had the biggest crush on Crawford Collins. He's the son of your mom's best friend which meant you grew up together. He was two years old when you were born and ever since he first saw you in the hospital, he was protective of you. Every time your families hung out, you two were stuck together like glue.

He stopped every potential prank that his siblings plotted with yours, always shared his food with you, leant you his clothes and even paid when you went to the Stampede every year.

Everything he did only made you crush harder and eventually fall head-over-heels in love with him. The unfortunate part was he didn't feel the same way. At least that's what you thought until he asked you out the day after your 18th birthday.

You had flown out to California to celebrate with him for a week. The question threw you for a loop but in all the best ways. You felt your stomach fill with butterflies and ever since that day, you two had started seeing each other.

Fast forward two years and here you are running around behind the scenes as Crawford competed on The Reality House season one. After you started to date Crawford, you moved to LA and became pretty good friends with all of his YouTube friends. They loved having you around which is why you got to hang out while they filmed.

The competition was down to the final three contestants which consisted of Crawford, Kristen, and Jake. You watched anxiously as they competed all day for the 25k prize. Though you loved Jake and Kristen, you clearly wanted to see you best friend/boyfriend win.

Finally after watching them run and fill buckets of water, untie knots and run around the property doing math, they were done. All that was left to do was wait for Kian and Jc to calculate the times and determine the winner of the first season. Though the nerves had subsided, they were still present in everyone's bodies.

Originally everyone was supposed to find out the winner at the house but due to the challenges taking longer than expected, they had to wait until they got back to Kian and Jc's house to find out.

You watched from behind Bobby who was filming the final scenes where everyone found out the results. Crawford looked up nervously as they announced Jake as the 2nd runner up. Shooting Crawford a reassuring smile, you held your hands up in the shape of a heart before blowing him a kiss. He gave you a subtle wink and soft smile as you watched his cheeks turn pink.

Finally the moment arrived where they announced that Crawford had won the money. Everyone was overjoyed for him but hid it well as they recorded the scene.

After things has settled and everyone packed up, you got in the car with Crawford and made your way back to his apartment. All the contestants, crew and some friends decided to have a celebration dinner so you were headed off to get ready for it. The whole ride back consisted of you cheering on Crawford and letting him know how proud you are.

"Seriously though baby. I am so proud of you for winning that whole thing."

"Thanks babe. Couldn't have done it without you running around behind the scenes cheering me on. My personal little cheerleader."

"I've been your little cheerleader since I was 4. Can't stop now can I?"

"Course not especially since you're the love of my life and my favourite person in the world."

"Stop playing. You're just being so cheesy cause you won and you're happy."

"Not true. I just love you. From Calgary to Cali, you'll always be my girl. Even when we get married and have kids, you'll always be my number one."

"You're making me blush. Good thing we're at your apartment now. Get out and let's get ready for the dinner."

The two of you walked into his apartment and into his room where you grabbed your clothes and got in the shower. Once you finished, you got dressed and started to get your makeup and hair done as Crawford took a shower.

"Baby? I'm gonna go down and play with our puppy while you finish getting ready."

He shouted back in acknowledgement as you walked down the stairs and on the search to find your new puppy.

Once you were both ready, you got in his car and made your way to the restaurant. It was fully booked out for this celebration dinner as everyone gathered in groups catching up and making jokes before the sit down part of the dinner was supposed to take place. The two of you walked around with Crawford's arm tightly wrapped around your waist. Everyone came up to congratulate Crawford on his win before everyone was called to take their seats so that they can order and get their food.

After everyone had ordered and gotten their food, Kian and Jc stood up at the end of the table and asked for everyone's attention.

"First of all we would like to thank you all for coming out tonight. Without everyone in this room we wouldn't have been able to film the show. From our wonderful cameramen, editor, production team, random helpers and obviously our contestants." Jc started the speech off.

"This has been something we wanted to do for so long and we can't believe the first season has already come to an end. With that being said, we would like to turn the time over to our season one winner. Give it up for our boy Crawford Collins." Kian exclaimed.

The whole room erupted into cheers and applause as Crawford stood up with a blush on his cheeks. He looked around the room smiling before looking down at you pulling you up to stand beside him and pulling him into your arms.

"I don't really know where to begin but obviously I'm super thankful to everyone here for getting me to the finale and eventually winning. Shoutout to Tana for dropping out cause I wasn't even supposed to be on the show to begin with but came in as a last minute filler for her." he stopped and let out a laugh before pecking your cheek.

"Anyways, there's one person who I really need to thank because this girl right here has been by my side ever since she was born. From the moment I met her at the hospital after she was born, I have been her protector. It took us way too long to actually start dating, like seriously it was 18 years before I even asked her out on a date. Luckily it hasn't taken us 18 years to get to this very moment." he said with a smile as he stepped back from you and looked into your eyes.

"Y/n, my little personal cheerleader, my baby girl, the love of my life, the best friend I've ever had. I love you so much and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the 25k than on our future together." Crawford dropped down on one knee as he held your hand and pulled out a ring box.

"Y/n, will you make this day even better and marry me? I promise I will always love you, pay for your tickets when we hit up the Stampede, buy you all the pasta in the world and never complain when you want to make me put on a face mask with you and watch a rom-com. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy if you say yes right now. So what do you say?"

You were completely speechless as you looked into his eyes. It was like no on else was in the room and it was just the two of you. Without even knowing it, you had thrown yourself at Crawford and kissed him multiple times.

"Is that a yes babe?" he asked with a laugh as he wrapped his arms around you.

You nodded before pulling him into another hug.

"I love you Crawford. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."

A/N: This is a bit of a long one and my first time writing for Crawford but hopefully you enjoyed it! Let me know if you want to see more.

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