Just One Kiss pt.3 (Oscar Guerra)*

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A/N: Being completely honest here, this might be my favourite part!

It had been two weeks since you kissed Oscar and things had been a bit weird between the two of you. You spent less time together and when you were together, it was never alone. Before the kiss you would always find excuses to be alone like going on a coffee run, filming a video or saying you were going to take a nap in his room even though you would be up together laughing at dumb videos or having deep talks.

Everyone could tell that something was weird between you two but thought it was better not to get involved. It was you and Oscar so they knew you would figure things out on your own. There wasn't a day that went by during your friendship where they wouldn't catch you two texting, calling, FaceTiming or hanging out in person until the day after you filmed the video. It was unusual but they slowly got used to it.

The C4 house decided to have a movie night and just get all the friends together so obviously you would be attending. You pulled up to their house promptly at 5:55pm. They told everyone to arrive at 6 and you had a habit of showing up 5 minutes early to all gatherings so when you walked through the front door, no one was surprised to see you.

"I brought the bread you wanted Crawford! Fresh baked and everything. It's seriously still warm." you yelled into the house as you made your way to the kitchen.

Before you know it, you heard a stampede of footsteps which could only mean a crowd of boys ready to tackle you in hugs and praises. You didn't bake bread often but when you did, you always made sure to make the rounds and drop some off for everyone. Luckily for you, the boys who loved it the most now lived in the same house which made your deliveries much shorter.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" Crawford asked while pulling you into a bear hug.

"You made the garlic knots! Those are the best ones." Brian said as he filmed for his vlog.

"I missed your baking. I'm so glad we decided to have a family dinner tonight." Will said as he took the bags from you.

"Woah, how much bread did you bake? Looks like enough to feed the whole neighbourhood." Oscar said.

"First off, Crawford you only tell me when I bake bread but I'll let it slide because I know you love me. Second, of course I made garlic knots! They go the best with the grilling you guys are going to do tonight. Which by the way, I'm so excited for! Lastly, I practically am feeding the whole neighbourhood with the amount of people coming over tonight."

The boys helped you take everything out of the bags before transferring them onto big baking trays so they would be ready to be warmed up once everyone arrived and the rest of the food was finished cooking. After that was done you helped them clean up the house and get the living room ready for the movie night. It involved carrying blankets and pillows from all around the house so that everyone would be comfortable and the people on the floor would get some type of cushioning.

Before you knew it the rest of your friends had arrived and the event was in full swing. A few of the boys were out back grilling some burgers, hotdogs, veggies and other meat while you made salads in the kitchen with Chelsey, Franny and Nezza. Everyone else was around the house in their own little groups doing who knows what. You knew a handful of your friends were vlogging so you were always making sure there were no cameras around as you talked to the girls about everything.

"So you still haven't spent a minute alone together?" Franny asked.

"She's barely even been over at the house since that day. She only comes around when a bunch of us are hanging out. I don't even know if they've talked one-on-one because I barely see Oscar on his phone like he used to be." Chelsey said.

"I don't know like he tries to reach out to me but it just feels weird for me. I'm still trying to process the feelings that I discovered after the kiss. I never even considered liking him or seeing him in that light until we kissed so now I feel weird doing all the things we used to do." you explained.

"I don't think things will get any better if you keep ignoring him though. You should get him alone and explain how you feel. He's literally standing in the corner with the boys watching us. I don't even think he knows what they're talking about because he's so zoned in on you." Nezza replied.

"He's not looking at me. He's probably just looking around the room or something and happened to look over when you did."

"Then why is he heading over here?" Franny asked.

"He's probably just going to ask about the food or grabbing something. It is his house after all. He can go wherever he wants." you brushed her off.

"Hey, can I steal y/n away for a second?" Oscar asked as he wrapped his arm around your waist from behind.

"Sure. She's not helping anyways." Chelsey said as she subtly nudged you closer to Oscar.

"Actually I was just about to get the chicken from Jc so that we could shred it and add it to the salad."

"Oh don't worry about it. I was just about to go check on the boys anyways." Chelsey cut in.

Realizing you had no more excuses you walked with Oscar through the house and through Crawfords room to get to the roof. His hand was resting on your lower back guiding you to his desired destination. He climbed over the railing before putting his hand out and helping you over it. The two of you sat down on the edge with your legs dangling off the roof. The sun was setting making the sky fill with a beautiful mix of pink, purple and orange. To say it was breathtaking would be an understatement. You got so lost in the beauty that you didn't even notice Oscar reach up and grab your chin until you were looking in his eyes instead of out at the sunset.

He gently pulled you closer until your lips were connected and you were once again kissing him. It was different than the first time you kissed on camera. This one was intimate and even kind of romantic. The quiet hum of your friends throughout the house mixed with the music and the gentle breeze made you feel like you were starring in your own movie. You could taste the mint from the gum he was chewing earlier as it mixed with the smell of his cologne. A scent that he wore just for you because he knew you loved it and for some reason that gave him a sense of peace.

After what felt like hours, the two of you finally pulled away. You couldn't convince yourself to open your eyes both in fear that it was a dream but also in fear that it was reality. Either way something was going to change for you and you weren't sure you were ready for whatever was about to happen once your eyes opened.

Taking a deep breath, you finally found the courage to open your eyes and looked up to see Oscar smirking and looking you up and down. Normally you would think you're hallucinating but after that kiss, you knew for sure he was checking you out. You were dressed in an old t-shirt he left at your apartment and paired it with some black ripped jeans. To you it was the perfect outfit for a night in with your friends but it was definitely not one that would lead to someone checking you out.

"Have I told you how good you look tonight? I might have to keep leaving my clothes at your place if you're going to make them look like that." Oscar said.

"What just happened? Why did you kiss me again?" you asked while ignoring his flirty comments.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about our kiss ever since it happened two weeks ago. I had to see if it was lust or if it was something more. I needed to kiss you again and see if I actually felt nerves or if I felt it because it was on camera."

"Well, what's your conclusion?"

"I think...I think I might be in love with you."


"Okay? What does that mean? I just confessed my love for you and all you have to say is okay?"

"Well actually you said you might be in love with me and that's okay because I think I might be in love with you too."

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