Part 7

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Prince and I were going to our doctor's appointment today, and needless to say he was very nervous. I don't even think he slept at all because he kept tossing and turning and holding me close, so I barely got any sleep too. Now, while we were waiting for a car he was holding my hand. He pulled me into him hugging me. "Prince, what's the matter?" "Nothing I just...I wanna hold you. Is that okay?" I sighed but the warmth of him made me feel good since it was freezing as it always was. Eventually, Tony came with the car and we got in the back together. Prince wouldn't let go of my hand and I could feel he was shaking. And not from the cold. His nerves were so racked I don't think he could concentrate on the radio that was playing. We got on the interstate and we're heading towards the doctor's office when I leaned forward to Tony to speak to him quietly. "Can you take us to a coffee shop and get him some tea? He didn't have it this morning." Tony nodded and we made a detour. I leaned back in my seat fixing my seatbelt and Prince looked out the window. "Where are we going?" He questioned. "Don't worry, baby. Tony's getting coffee, he didn't have it this morning." Prince didn't seem too happy about that. "We're going to be late because of this." I kissed his hand and Tony parked on the side in front of the shop going inside. I turned down the radio and looked at Prince. "Baby, look at me." Prince glanced around me and I took both of his hands putting them on my flat stomach. "You're worried. I know you are I see it in your eyes." "Of course I'm worried. This takes me back to the many times I went to the doctor's with..." he trailed off. I stroked over his fingers. He wasn't looking at me and I saw tears forming. I took my seatbelt off and leaned forward to move his seatbelt strap so I could hug him. "Prince, it's going to be fine. It's going to be okay." I played with the hair on the back of his head stroking it softly. I heard him sniffle, but he wasn't completely crying. I pulled away leaning my forehead on his. "Will you pray with me?" I asked him. I knew he loved God so much and I know faith is a big part of his life. I wiped his tears without messing up his eyeliner and he nodded. At that very moment it began to snow. "Teach me how. I wanna do it the way you do it." I told him holding his hands. He locked his fingers with mine as our arms did this X and we leaned our heads against our hands to start praying together. Our prayer finished when Tony arrived with coffee and a tea. I smiled taking the tea from him. "Drink this. You need it." I told Prince. I put the straw in for him and he took a sip. I stroked his hair before sliding back over to my seat getting my seatbelt back on. Something told me this was going to go well, and I know Prince was feeling better after we prayed. We went in and because Prince was high profile, we were snuck into the back for our appointment, and of course Tony was there with us. I laid on the table and raised my shirt for the ultrasound. The gel on my stomach was ice cold and Prince held my hand. "Doctor, what can you tell us so far about the baby?" The doctor smiled looking at the screen. "Babies." I gasped looking at the screen. "What? How many?" I was in total shock. Prince's eyes were wide looking at the screen. "Two. I see two heart beats. Do you see those flickers?" I nodded. "That's their heart beats. We won't know the genders until about 13-16 weeks." Prince turned his head looking at me and leaned down to give me a small kiss. I looked up at Tony. "Guess who's gonna help us get them ready for school?" Tony rolled his eyes smiling. I was stroking Prince's bicep as he was asking questions to the doctor. He was asking about my hormone levels and if there was something I needed. He asked about genes and just crazy questions. The doctor wanted to take a blood test to make sure everything was going to go well in the pregnancy. I didn't like getting my blood taken, but Prince was there with me and the doctor told us that we'd have something results in a few weeks. They wrapped my arm up and all three of us got in the car. For the next week, Prince was all over me trying to make sure I was doing okay. This was a time when I was begging he would eventually go to the studio to write some music. I did love him, and I wanted to be with him while I was pregnant, but Prince was so worried he wouldn't do anything else but stay with me. Tonight, we were going to bed and he walked in fully clothed. "I'm gonna be in studio C. Will you come sit with me?" I felt relieved some because I know he was working on this big album called Musicology. I went to the studio with him in my pajamas and he shrugged off his blazer. I sat on the sofa behind him and took the blanket putting it on me. I laid down and curled up smiling watching him work before he went into the studio to record something. The vocals for a song. I was watching him record this song and ironically it was a tune he's been whistling or humming for days now. The new song was called "Call My Name", and it's been one of my favorites from the newest songs he's been writing. I was watching him sing through the glass and smiling at him. He'd give me his own smiles, too. While he was recording, I fell asleep and not long after I did I felt him lay on the couch behind me. Prince slid his hand up my shirt to feel my stomach and I put my hand on his. "Do you love me?" I asked him as I stroked over his hand. "Of course I do. I love you more than anything." I smiled. "Do you love us?" I asked him. He turned me over and I looked at him. "I love all three of you." Prince whispered. I stroked his cheek. It's been a crazy few months to say the least, and Prince has been here every step of the way. I stroked his hair watching his eyes hoping that our babies would have his eyes. "Melanie..." I leaned up giving him a small kiss watching his eyes. "I love it when you call my name." I whispered to him. He kissed me and I put my arms around his neck as we just laid together on the sofa in studio C. Prince fell asleep and I stayed awake just holding him and laying with him that soon we wouldn't be able to cuddle on the couch because my belly would get bigger. I looked over at the shelf to see a photo of his dad and smiled when I thought of Prince being a father. It made me so happy just thinking about babies running around, growing old together. Just...being together. I kissed between his eyes and he held me closer. "I love you." He muttered. I smiled. "I love you, too." I whispered.

I gave birth to two healthy babies. A boy and a girl. We decided to name one John, after Prince's father, and Mattie after his mother. Prince has been someone to teach me confidence, to love myself, and make sure to love yourself before loving someone else. We got married not long after the babies were born, and Paisley Park is still our home. It's crazy how I was his little secret, how he loved me long before I even knew, long before our first kiss. I hope that life will continue to be as good as it is now.

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