What is Evil and What is Good to You?

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Endius: So yeah I returned. My excuse for my year long absence? Writer block and fisting fighting my computer. Which I now got back to my phone for now. Im going to try to update cause I just now finally gained back my inspiration by re-reading all my work and wish to continue it. Hope I can make it work. Enjoy~

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there-",

"Ask me that one more time I'll punt you to the god damn sun Asta."


"So are we there yet?"

"I'm going to fucking murder you!"

Asta laughed as he sprinted away from a vengeful teen know as Yuno. With a swing of his hand, wind sliced down on the buff, but short, boy splitting the path to hopefully give his short brother even smaller number to his height. Asta sided jumped away and ran through the dirt path they are on. In the distance he noticed a grand plain coming into view.

"Hey I see the cliff! We're not to far!" Yuno grunted as he slowed to a jog as they made way to the end of the path. Walking onto the clearing they were created to the sight of a massive plain surrounded by mountains and on the center was city holding the magic knight exams. "This is it Yuno. This is where our journey to the top begins! You think we'll get to fight each other? *Gasp*. What if it's like in a tournament format!? Imagine a big tournament where everyone come around to fight and prove their worth to the captains and...". Yuno plugged his ears as Asta ranted and raved his theories to him. A bird near by rolled its eyes before flying on ahead.

Yuno sighed as they finally started going down the cliff to go back on the road while Asta continued his imaginary tournament now including aliens and animals. 'It's gonna be a long day isn't it.'

Finally at the Exams

After finally calming down, much to the extreme joy of Yunos sanity, they made it in line go to see hundreds of people ranging from nobility to commoners and finally the handful of the forsaken realm.


Yuno handed his Grimoire which made the clerk do a double take. "A four leaf!? Amazing! Your number 645•! Good luck sir!"

Asta was next and the clerk demeanor slightly changed but still held a exited tone. "I never seen a five leaf one before but the patterns is quite exotic. I wish you luck sir, your number 646•."

Both Yuno and Asta walking into the arena and was created by a massive crowd of people of of types. Some showing off magic while others were analyzing those surrounding them. "Quite the hoard. See anyone special Yuno?" The yellow eye boy hummed, doing a quick scan over the crowd. "Mostly nobles but I can spot some talent, though don't compare much to us."

Asta sighed before feeling a weight on his shoulder. Turning his head it was a small anti-bird who looked up with a head cocked to the side. "Anti-bird huh?" He gently rubbed a finger on its head drawing out a cheerful chirp. Suddenly multiple birds flapped around him and looked up to him. Some flew to sit on his head and others on his shoulders. "Hey Yuno look they like me!"

Yuno rolled his eyes but the smile showed his amusement.

"Hey aren't they usually hostile to those with no magic?"

"He must be weak but it's weird that they seem to like him."

"Check it. The other boy doesn't have a single bird near him."

Asta: Five leaf SayianWhere stories live. Discover now