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Here she sat looking into the form of a boy that she loved and has loved ever since the 9th grade and here she sat 2 years later, barely old enough to date, staring into his eyes for the first time. He was barely recognizable under the thick layer of bruises.

"What happened to you! You're all broken and bruised!" she exclaimed in pure horror. She didn't know what could have made such a perfect looking creature look so broken. He shook his head slowly in disbelief. He looked miserable.

"Forget about the bruises and scars, I need your help. I'm caught in the middle of something that you will probably think is nonsense, but here goes anyway." he sighed " i'm in the middle of a war with all these mythical creatures that i would have never thought possible." He responded. "And I thought you'd be the best help for me. So do you want to help me?" He looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I Rachel,"she said putting a hand on her chest, "swear to you Blake,"she added putting her hand on his shoulder, feeling a thrill at the feeling of finally being able to touch him, "That I will help you and listen to this 'ridiculous' war and i will help you." she responded as she sat back up. He looked up and met her gaze and smiled.

"I knew I could count on you." he said smiling that crooked smile that always melted her heart. She grinned back at him.

"Now that we have that figured out, why don't you explain this war while i try to fix as much of you as I can." she said standing and putting one hand on her hip leaning against her chair as her eyes scanned over his bruised and tattered face and arms. Her long blonde hair hanging over her shoulder. Her ocean blue eyes locked on his hazel eyes, tattered brown hair, and battle scars. He grinned up at her and sighed in submission. She looked at him with pleading eyes. He shook his head still smiling.

"You are not going to get over my look are you?"he asked, his smile widening even more.

"Nope. you look like a black and blue blanket. Of course I'm not going to. Not until you look good as new at least." she said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Ok i'll explain and let you be the doctor." he replied. She pumped her fist in the air with an excited "Yes!" and then she got to work examining his cuts as he started to explain. He explained about all these mythical creatures trying to take over this mythical world and kill all the creatures and add new ones. She examined all bruises and cuts lining his arms and face. Then when he had finished explaining, she had checked every bruise and cleaned every cut. She sat back in the chair across from him and stared at him while he finished explaining. When he had finished explaining, he looked at her for an answer. She couldn't say anything, let alone believe that another world existed out of what they were taught about when they were little kids. When he didn't get an answer from her, he sighed in irritation and buried his face into his hands.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. Why was i so stupid to even think you would beliive me." he explained. He looked up at her and for the first time, the look in his eyes showed that he wanted her.

"No I believe you, and really want to help you, but it is just that I. . . I didn't know that such a world existed. It's not that I don't want to help you, like I promised I'm in this with you 100% but i'm just surprised. It doesn't make sense but then again nothing makes sense anymore." she mumbled more to herself. Shock on her face made him feel like he was believed and that put a smile on his face. She sat there thinking about what Blake had just told her. After a while his smile faded and he looked concerned. She recovered quickly and smiled at his puzzled look.

"when do we start?"


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