Chapter 1

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She rocked back and forth Impatiently on her heels. She always hated waiting, especially on days like this. She checked her watch again and again and looked around frequently hoping to see what she was looking for. Even though it was still 5 minutes early, she was having a really hard time trying to wait for him. She concentrated on trying to go to her happy place as her father had taught her.

"You go there when you are restless and it calms you down." he once told her. She sat on the porch swing on the patio and tried really hard to go to her happy forest.

"Rachel. Are you in there?" he asked. She looked up and saw her brother Jacob standing there. He extended his hand to her and she took it. He pulled her up off the swing and then let go of her hand. Rachel ran to the rail to see which car he had brought. To her relief, he had brought his Ram 2500. The truck was painted red on the outside and a tan leather interior on the inside. Rachel's brother was supposed to take her to the County Fair and then Blake would meet up with her there and then he would take her to the dance that was that night. she ran down the stairs and nearly launched herself into the passenger seat as Jacob slowly walked and got in the driver's side. she was jumping up and down with excitement.

"You know if you don't stop, I'm gonna have to make you take a chill pill." Jacob really didn't understand what kind of excitement she was going through. They drove out of the driveway and down the road 10 miles where they reached the turnoff. Rachel asked if they were there yet the whole time. When they went into the parking lot, Rachel spotted Blake's dark blue camaro.

"Park over there by the blue Camaro!" Rachel practically screamed with every single vein in her body going wild with excitement. Jacob laughed and parked by the blue Camaro to where the passenger side of the truck was facing the driver's side of the Camaro. Right as Rachel got out of the truck, Blake got out of his Camaro. Rachel was shorter than Blake and Jacob both. She had long blonde hair and olive skin. Her blue eyes brought out the olive in her skin. She had a round face and a slender body. She was wearing blue jeans and a ram shirt that she got from the previous year of school. She had a dark pink bow attached to her blonde ponytail. Blake was pale with hazel eyes brown hair and a more square like jaw. He was a very stout man with broad shoulders and arms the size of Rachel's calves. Rachel was on the other side of the truck, when Blake came around to meet them.

"Hey Jacob, hey Rachel." Blake greeted them. Rachel turned to see Blake standing there. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw his perfect face. She was rocking back and forth on her heels. Jacob climbed down from the truck and laughed at Rachel's impatience.

"Blake I have no idea what you did to this girl, but she can't sit in one spot for any length of time. I have to like, give her a chill pill." Jacob laughed again. Blake looked at Rachel and laughed with Jacob.

"I don't even know what i'm doing to her." Blake laughed. he didn't understand that he drove Rachel insane just by the fact that she was so close to him.

"You're driving me crazy is what is going on." Rachel told Blake. He laughed even more.

"I'm going to go look at the animals if you want me i'll be in the barn. Go have fun."Jacob turned and left.

 "Would you like to go see what they have on display? Maybe take home some treasures?" Blake offered his hand and she took it. They started toward the grass field where the shops had been set up. They walked to the closest shop which was a jewelry store. Blake motioned for her to go first. She walked in and started looking around. All the jewelry was modern and very pretty. Blake stopped to talk to a sales lady. Rachel let go of his hand and walked over to a table of necklaces nearby. She found a ruby necklace that drew her attention quickly. She was drawn to the heart shape they made and the way that the gold chain made the super bright red, seem even brighter. She picked up the necklace and examined it closer. Blake appeared right beside her in a flash. He gently grabbed the necklace and put it around Rachel's neck.

"The color red looks good on you. I'll go buy it for you." with that Blake turned and walked to where the lady was standing, before Rachel could protest. He was back within seconds.

"You are going to spoil me today aren't you?" Rachel giggled. He nodded.

"Is that all you want here?" he asked her.

"Yes." she sighed. They walked around to a few more tents. There was a clothing store, which Rachel didn't want anything from there, a candy store where Blake bought her a little box of chocolates, and a flower store, where she got another wonderful present from Blake. It was a bouquet of pink roses which were her favorite. She wasn't used to this much attention growing up with an older brother, she was never really the center of attention. She asked him why, but he just said that it was her birthday so she deserved it, but she knew better. Then Rachel told him she was wanting to talk to jake, so they started toward the barn.

"Do you remember when you told me about that war?" Rachel asked after a minute of walking in silence.

"Yes." Blake answered.

"What's going on with it?"

"Well I have to leave next friday because Racuda plans to attack on saturday. It's ridiculous." Blake glared straight ahead.

"I want to come with you." Rachel pleaded. Blake didn't seem happy about that

"Absolutely not. I'm not putting you in that much danger. And I won't lose you."

"Ya and what about you? I can't lose you either. Plus 2 is better than 1. And if you get hit, then you will come back, if you do, but you'll be broken and I can't handle seeing you like that again." She didn't like the idea of Blake out there alone, fighting against that mangy unicorn again. She didn't know what Racuda looked like, but all she knew was that he was a unicorn and what made her the most mad was the fact that Blake would not let her tag along. For all he knew, she was really good with a bow.

"Fast healing remember?" Blake hinted

"Fast healing or not, it was still painful." Rachel countered

"You're stubborn."


"And you won't stop bugging me about it until I let you come? "

"Nope" this was something that Rachel was going to stick to until he said she could come. He was clearly annoyed. And she knew it but didn't care at this moment. All she cared about was staying with him as long as she could. It would be an eternity she wanted to stay with him, but for now, it'll be friday and today. She smiled. She knew that she had won.

"Fine, but you have to promise that you won't bug me anymore about it today because today is only about you." Blake wasn't letting her hear the end of that one. She reluctantly agreed and by then they had reached the entrance to the barn. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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