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The two boys walked into the dance studio, the rest of the student's eyes trained onto them. 

"Welcome to the class, please find a seat." The teacher instructed. 

What was even happening? Jimin wasn't sure what he should have been focused on. The fact that his major bully was now joining the same class as him, the fact that Jimin would most likely have to do exercises and warm-ups with the said bully, or the fact that one of the quietest students who almost always seemed to be alone was joining his class. 

Whatever. He needed to focus on what Mrs. Ahn was talking about. 

He turned his head back to the front of the classroom, tuning in to what was going on.

"As it is the start of a new semester, we have a new project, which also means a new performance." Mrs. Ahn announced. "Today I will be announcing the partnerships for the project. You and your partner will be asked to choreograph your dance to the music of your choice. You will then perform it once for the class and once for the school assembly." 

Oh god. Partner dances. Jimin loved to dance, but dancing with someone else was awful. Whoever he was partnered with would say that they felt uncomfortable being partnered with him or that they weren't happy with the position they were put in. 

Maybe if he were partnered with someone like Ten or Yeri... But they were always partnered with someone else.

Mrs. Ahn said that Jimin needed to expand his range and learn to dance with more people. 

What a load of bullshit.

He had tried in the past to get along with other people, he really did, but every time he tried to talk to someone or even do so much as look at them, he was ignored or told that his opinion didn't really matter. 

Or they would just hit him.

That wasn't too abnormal.

Partners scared him. He knew it wasn't going to work out for him, but he felt bad about bringing people's scores down. He always offered to step out, and once the other partner quickly agreed, the teacher would allow it. 

This time would probably be no different.

Mrs. Ahn began calling out names from her list, the students standing up and meeting their partners.

"Lee Taeyong and Ten," she said.

Jimin looked to Ten, who was sitting beside him. Jimin knew something about Ten that no one else apart from the rest of their friends knew, and was that he had an unhealthy crush on Taeyong.

Jimin smirked at the blushing Ten, clearly not ready for what was about to come. Taeyong was known to do quite... intimate dances. Ten clearly knew that, and he wasn't sure if he should have been excited or scared.

The teacher went down the list, continuing to call names.

"And finally, we will have a group of three. The class is uneven this semester, so you'll have to deal with the circumstances."

"Min yoongi, Park Jimin, and Yuta Nakamoto." She finished.

Jimin's eyes widened. What the actual hell. Yoongi he was fine with. Yoongi was nice, and he didn't seem to be a total dick. Yuta though.

This was going to be a problem.

hey kiddos

finally updated lmao

updates are gonna be even slower ( im sorry djdbjdkdnf) 

bc this bitch got grounded 🤡✌️

kay ty for reading ily

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