chapter 6:consideration

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Hop laid down on his bed.
So,he knew he was in love with Bede.
Now what?He would never like him back,how did he even end up with such a huge crush on him anyways?!?
Well,he had to make a move sooner or later.He reached for his phone,which was on the edge of his side-table,falling off his bed in the process.
So now Hop lay on his floor,phone in hand and blush spread across his face.
                     Wooloo head✨:
Hop:Hey Bede

Hop:Do u want to go to Bobs ur Uncle  tomorrow?

Hop:it's fine if u have plans
Im free all day

That was Bede's phone.
He scanned the text with his eyes over and over again.
Was,was this a date?!?No,nuh-uh Hop would never ask him on a date!
The restaurant was in Circhester,Bede had always enjoyed the blow of the icy breeze on his face.
Maybe he should go...uh,just because it was free food!Not anything else at all, toootally nothing else!Well he brought himself together and replied to his surprising invitation.


Bede:only if you pay for the food though!

Dumbass♥️:sure what time

Bede:how does 11:30 sound?
That's the only time I'm free.

Dumbass♥️:perfect see u there!
UwU 😄

Bede:okay,I'll see you there.

Hop's entire face was red.He couldn't believe that he said yes!Did Bede have a crush on him too?
Uh no,no way he probably just wanted food.
Lee walked in.Hop attempted to cover his face with a pillow to hide his blush as quickly as he could.
"Hop?"Lee asked"Are you bluuuushiiing?"
Hop groaned
"Is it that boy?"
He nodded,"I asked him out!"He said,
"What did he say?"
"Hmm,He said yes,Hop replied."We're going tomorrow."
Lee high-fived him then left.He loved his brother but sometimes he could be just so, embarrassing.

Bede took a deep breath as he petted his ponyta.
He was still extremely flustered.Even his pokemon could see it too!
He couldn't stop thinking about Hop and their "date" all throughout his training session with Opal.

It soon became late and both boys went  to bed (after a long time of thinking about each other,of course).

Hop woke up feeling both exited and nervous.
He had been thinking about Bede ever since he started studying to become the next professor.He stretched then started to brush his teeth to prepare for the day.

Bede wasn't bothered in getting up early to prepare at all.He enjoyed lying in, it was the weekend anyways.
Yeah,he  was only busy when he was training anyways.

Hop put on some warm winter clothes: A basic dark blue hoodie;A nice light-weight jacket with fur on the hood;some jeans and boots.
He decided to collect berries and frollik in the tall grass.Thenee came to join him.
"Oh,hey lil bro!How's it going,are you nervous?"He questioned eager to make sure that his brother was alright.
"Well,nervous and exited too,It's my first ever date!Who knows what might happen!"He replied,grinning.
"Ah yeah,well I should be going to Hammerlocke now!
"You said you weren't going anywhere though?"Hop said suspiciously.
"Ah-uh!Got to run,see you,good luck!"He quickly ran out of the room.
Hop knew what was going on...Lee was just training with Raihan!

Hop noticed that he should have left already.
He didn't want Bede to think that he stood him up!

Bede rode on his ponyta to route nine.
He then stopped to return it to its pokeball.Bede was extremely nervous.He didn't know how to act or talk at all!
He began to get lost in his thoughts as he walked.Was Hop just pranking him or something?Should he turn back?
Bede brushed the thoughts away,but they still remained at the back of his mind.

He had arrived in Circhester already and shivered,he had left his coat at the gym,great.
Hop still hadn't shown up,Bede still waited,it had only been five minutes minutes.Plus knowing Hop,he would probably be late.
He waited about another two minutes nefore Hop showed up.
"Finally!"He signed at the boy in front of him.
"Ah-sorry!My flying taxi got caught up in the wind,I had to walk the rest of the way."He panted.
"It's okay,things happen,"He mumbled."Plus of course you would be late,that's why I waited of course!"
"Ah,I'm so hungry! Should we go eat now?"Hop suggested,Bede nodded,he was starving too.

The two boys headed over the the restaurant in the chilly breeze.
Hop watched Bede shiver and stopped.
"Hey,uh,would you like my coat?You're shivering!"He asked, blushing a little.
"Uh,no thank you."He declined politely.Hop insisted and draped his coat over Bede's shoulders.Bede froze.
"I-I said I was fine.You really don't need to."
"It's fine,I could tell you were cold,look were almost there,let's continue walking!"He smiled.
Bede blushed.He was so flustered,he probably looked like an idiot,he thought,clearly embarrassed about his crush on the raven-haired boy.

When they got there,they found some seats,which was a table-for-two,and sat down.
"Hey,you know it's kind of like we're on a date!Hahahaha!Hop joked,unaware of what he had blurted out.Bede's entire face went from from the simple statement.He hid his face behind the menu he was holding and pretended to act like he he didn't hear.
Hop realised what he had said and blushed two.Anyone walking who wasn't cooped up in their own life would've thought of them as a couple.
After a full ten seconds of silence the waitress came over to them to take their orders.
After ordering the two discussed how their pokemon were doing.They enjoyed talking to each other and had gotten so caught up in the conversation that they had forgotten about being flustered.
They enjoyed each others company.
They fineshed their food,paid and left.

The pair strolled around Circhester until it became dark.They stopped to state at shop windows,admire the ancient architecture and mainly admire eachother.
They sat down on a small bench close to the baths.
They didn't notice that they were holding hands.
"Today was so much fun"Hop sighed."We should go out again some time!".
"Uh, yeah."Bede blushed.
They turned to eachother.Their faces were close.
Bede pulled Hop into a short but meaningful kiss.
They looked at each other, flustered.
"Oh,well it's really late now,I-I should head back now!"Bede quickly said to get away from the situation as quickly as possible.
"Ye-yeah,me too."Hop stated.He hugged Bede and they said goodbye,then parted ways.


I really apologise for not posting.
This update was late,so I made it a lot longer than normal.
Oh yeah, stay safe from the Corona virus and only use hand sanitizer when you need to.
I'm not sure even how long I was on haitus for,I guess I wasn't really in the mood and my writers block was bad.
In that time I updated my Haikyuu book a little so please check it out!
I hope you enjoyed!
Author Chan:Out!

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