Chapter 11: A Fiery Night

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You already
I don't own anything. And did not write the sorry Jane271 on Ao3 did
All rights belong to J. K. Rowling.
After a long school day, Jay was finally able to call it a night. Exams were finally over, and she could rest for now. Exhausted, she collapsed on her bed. She had been stepping up her training a bit after the fight with her father. It was Friday, and her last test of the year had just ended. For the last week all she'd thought about were the exams, and in an effort to break all records for each class, she had been studying continuously for the last two weeks. Even if she was 100% sure that she would make it happen, there was that stupid little voice in her head that said that she could do better.
She would be happy to get a full night's worth of sleep that night, if it weren't for her brother.
The idiot had somewhere in the year snuck into a locked room on the third floor.
You know, the floor no one was supposed to go to unless they wanted to die painfully?
And what was worse, they planned to go back there tonight. Some nonsense about a stone and professor Snape wanting to steal it. So, of course, with her being the responsible one she had to tag along with them to make sure that Charlie, Weasley and Granger didn't get totally obliterated, she had no choice but to go.
At midnight she woke up, knowing that Granger had just left the dormitories. She quickly got up and casted a disillusion spell on herself, along with a silencing charm on her feet. Making sure not to close the door to loudly, she moved down to the common room to be greeted by the sight of her brother and two best friends, fully clothed, just like her.
"We got everything?" Charlie asked in a whisper. After receiving two confirming nods, he moved to the exit of the Gryffindor common rooms. "Let's go then." The three eleven-year-olds all crouched down under an invisibility cloak, undoubtedly the one that James Potter once owned. What they didn't know was that Jay could see straight through it, by using a special spell she'd found years ago, back when she was still busy reading the Potter library.
She silently followed them, and even if they were invisible, they were making so much noise that it was a wonder they hadn't been caught yet. They finally arrived at the door that lead to the Cerberus that had nearly cost the three their lives the last time they entered the room.
What surprised her, was the fact that said Cerberus was currently asleep, a harp playing in the distance. The three looked at each other and made a b-line for the trapdoor that was now accessible with the huge monster asleep. She moved along with them, quickly eliminating the small head start they had on her. As Charlie opened the hatch, Jay was paying close attention to the Cerberus, after all, how many times was she to come across one again?
While she was studying the gigantic claws on its feet -The golden trio was busy thinking of a way to get down the hatch- she noticed the music stopped. Almost immediately after, the creature began to wake up. Turning around she knocked Weasley on the back of his head to gain his attention.
"Ow! 'Moine why would you... Uh... Guys?" The Cerberus was now fully awake, all three heads turned in their direction.
The smart thing to do, would possibly be to jump in the hole, unfortunately, the only thing the trio did, was yell their lungs out.
With a light banishing charm, she made both Charlie and Granger lose their footing, and they toppled backwards onto the hole. Luckily, Weasley seemed to think it was a good way to go, and jumped in the hole right after the two. Jay jumped in last, but unlike the rest, she was able to shoot a string in the ceiling with her wand, right after jumping down the hole. The three were now laying on some kind of plant, while Jay hung safely on the ceiling.
For a second she didn't recognize the plant, before nearly hitting her head in her stupidity for not realizing it was a Devil's Snare. Simple enough to get out of, if you stayed calm and knew a way to create a bright light.
While lost in her thoughts, it seemed Granger had reached the same conclusion.
"That's great, but how do we get out of it?!" Came Charlie's panicked voice.
"Sunlight! Of course! It hates sunlight or bright lights."
"Then start a fire or something! I can't reach my wand anymore!" Came Weasley's great response. Surely, they could see the stupidity of starting a fire in such a small room.
"Incendio!" Again, she thought to much of them. Even though it was effective, now Jay had a small issue. In order to get through the flames, she needed her wand, which was also the thing currently keeping her from falling in the flames.
'Damn, how do I get out of this one?' Jay thought to herself. She looked at the ceiling, small flames licking her feet already, and she was running out of time very fast. She quickly climbed all the way to the ceiling, and managed to get herself balanced against the wall, in the small squared hole in the ceiling where the trapdoor was located. Once she was steady -or as steady as she could get with her legs against the wall in front of her and her back against the opposite side- she let go of the spell that kept her connected to the ceiling and immediately casted a stong aguamenti at the flames, in hopes of extinguishing them. It was taking a long time, and it was getting harder to breath by the second.
She had to stop casting the water at the flames to conduct a bubble-head charm on herself, so that she could breathe in clean air. 'Damn Granger!' she thought, with sweat running down her face. The aguamenti spell wasn't doing enough. While the flames did start to lessen, it was simply taking too long. Who knew in what kind of trouble her brother had run into while she was trapped here? She'd already been in this room for nearly twenty minutes now!
In a split second she made a decision, and dove into the flames. With her wand she made a small path between herself and the flames, narrowly escaping getting burnt. She landed on the floor, and darted into the hallway she saw slightly to her right. With a deep breath, she sat on the floor for a second, relishing in the cold the floor brought her. It was boastingly hot in that room, her entire face red with heat and her form drenched in sweat.
Begrudgingly, she moved on to the next room, mourning the feeling of the cold stones already. Stepping into the room, she realized that the trio had already cleared the room, same with the three next. In one room she found both Granger and Weasley. The room had giant pieces of chess in it, and while Granger looked fine, Weasley didn't seem to be doing too great. He'd probably needed to go to the hospital wing, which it seemed Granger was getting ready to transport him to. Fearing what might have happened to her brother, she moved through the next rooms, until she came to a riddle. She figured it out in a fraction of a second, but sadly the potion that granted her access to the next room, was already gone.
She looked at the way to the next room. Flames were covering the floor, yet the walls were fireless and the ceiling is high. With another small sigh, she stepped back a bit, and then charged forward. With a leap, she jumped over the flames, and came about half-way through. She then pushed herself off on the walls with her feet, one right, one left, and then she was over the flames. She landed on her hands, and quickly rolled forward to decrease her speed.
The room in front of her was large and circular, with only a mirror, her brother and – was that professor Quirrell? Neither of the males noticed her, and when Quirrell turned his back on her, she suddenly understood the look of fear her brother wore.
She was staring straight at a face on the back of her professor's head, and boy, didn't the man look familiar. There was the stinging feeling once again. It was almost as if her magic itself was warning her.
When the man's eyes met hers, she knew, without a doubt, that Lord Voldemort was in this room.

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