The Beginning of the End

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This story takes place in Peter's junior year, one year after Spider-Man: Homecoming.

I don't like how Wattpad rates Mature vs Not Mature, so let's just say this is a PG-13 story and should be read with the viewer's understanding that there are some swears in this, as well as the tiniest hint of violence, and if you are not comfortable with that, then kindly read another book.

**This chapter begins on April 20th, 2018, the Friday before April vacation**

Peter was falling asleep...again. His head was resting on his arms and his eyelids felt heavy. He could faintly hear Mr. Harrington droning on about...well, he didn't even know what he was talking about, but he most likely already knew it. It was so warm in the classroom and he was so tired.

A sharp jab at his ribs had him shooting up and looking around frantically. He could hear Flash snickering behind him.

"Dude," Ned whispered. "Mr. Harrington's about to tell us about the field trip this year."

Peter yawned into his hand and noticed the paper laying in front of him. He didn't even bother reading, already deciding that he wasn't going to go. His famous Parker Luck™ would cause something to happen, much like the last two trips he went on. It was probably better that he stayed home for this one.

With his head in his hands, Peter could feel himself drifting off before Mr. Harrington's voice forced its way into his head.

"I've snagged us a good trip this year, everyone! We've been lucky enough to have been chosen for a tour of Stark Industries!" This was the most emotion Peter had ever heard in Mr. Harrington's voice. And while the rest of his class flipped out, Peter let out a small groan and flopped his head back down on the desk. It wasn't the Tower itself that had Peter worried. It was F.R.I.D.A.Y., Tony, and the rest of the Avengers that might happen to be there on that particular day. They loved to tease him. It didn't matter who he was with, what he was doing, or where he was. If if they saw an opportunity, they would take it. The exception would be Vision, but Peter just thought that was because he didn't quite get it yet.

"Unfortunately," Mr. Harrington's voice cut through Peter's lamenting, "the trip isn't until the end of the year." This time, Peter was silently rejoicing while the rest of the class groaned. "I've told you months ahead of time so you know. The paper on your desk is your permission slip and a medical form. They're both due the Monday we get back from vacation. No exceptions. Stark Industries needs to know how many passes to have ready for you so you can visit. I don't care if you 'left it at home' and a parent is going to drop it off later. If it is not in my hands during this period, you aren't going. Are we clear?" There was a murmur of agreement throughout the class, leaving Mr. Harrington satisfied. "That's all for today. You can pack up five minutes early."

Peter hastily shoved his book and binder into his bag, ready to make a quick getaway out of the school. He jumped when a foot kicked his chair.

"Yo, Penis," an unfortunately familiar voice hissed. Peter winced and slowly turned around. Flash stood there with a smirk on his face, staring down at him. "Ready for everyone to see what a liar you are? Cause, you know, you 'work' at Stark Industries?" Peter merely rolled his eyes and turned back around. There is a time and place to deal with Flash but now wasn't it.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," he snapped. Peter continued to ignore him.

"Leave him alone, loser," MJ butted in from his right.

"Or what?" Flash challenged.

"Or I'm gonna rip your balls off and hang them in the front hallway for everyone to see just how small they are." She paused for a second. "And I'll kick you off the decathlon team. Not that you're really on it anyway. Being an alternate must suck." Flash's face got very red (from embarrassment or anger, Peter couldn't tell) and he was about to retort, but MJ kept going. "Acting like a dick doesn't make yours any bigger, you know." Flash sat down rather quickly after that, violently shoving his books and binder into his backpack. Peter sent a silent "thank you" to MJ.

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