Is It Too Late to Fake Being Sick?

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**This chapter begins on Friday, June 8, 2018, the day of Peter's field trip to SI**

"Peter! Get your ass out of that bed! You're going to be late!" Peter rolled over and groaned. Normally after his dad would warn him of his tardiness, he would run around trying to get ready in time. But he was really hoping to be late. Today was the field his own home. And he was not thrilled by it. Because he had to get out of bed and go to school, only to come right back home. But mostly because his class was going to be infiltrating his home. Flash was going to be here.

After his mom came into his room, he decided he would rather face Flash's taunts than Pepper's wrath if he skipped school.

Making sure he had his pass, noise reduction earbuds (that also doubled as two way comms in case of emergencies), and tinted glasses that Tony had programmed Karen into, he shoved a waffle that Steve made (because no one else was trusted with breakfast) into his mouth. He decided that the elevator was too slow and settled for swinging out a window, effectively scaring the shit out of Happy when Peter landed behind him.

When they got into the car, Happy could practically feel shaking. He glanced in the rearview mirror at Peter's nervous face.

"Kid, calm down. You should be fine today."

"Happy, the Avengers had a meeting three days ago at the Compound. And they're all still in town."

"Not all of them. The Guardians had to go back to some planet for the tree. And the Wakandans had to leave as soon as the meeting was over. It was surprising they didn't just video conference. And they're at the Compound. As in, upstate?"

"Okay, but the rest of them are still here and I bet my web shooters that Dad told them about my field trip today. You wanna bet how many of them are going to show up today? Doesn't matter if they're not in the city. Haven't you seen the measures they've gone to to embarrass me?" Happy just gave him a small smirk before focusing back on the road.


MJ snickered as Peter came running up to the bus as fast as he dared. Mr. Harrington glanced down disapprovingly at him. Smiling sheepishly, Peter got onto the bus, sitting next to Ned who was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Ned, what the heck, dude. You work with Bruce. Why are you so excited?"

"Cause it's the freaking Avengers, man! I may work with Dr. Banner, but I haven't met the rest of them!"

"You know Mom and Dad," Peter pointed out. Ned rolled his eyes and waved his hand between them.

"That doesn't count. He's your guardian and Pepper's not an Avenger." Peter let out a small laugh.

"I'm telling him you said that." Ned paled.

"Don't you dare!"

"And I think Mom will be offended. She has a suit, you know. Dad made one for her a while ago."

"Pst! Parker. Hey, Penis!" Peter's shoulders slouched over and he dropped his head. "Hey, maybe you can call your best friend Iron Man to visit us. Since you seem to know him so well."

"I do know Mr. Stark, Flash. And he might be too busy to see a high school tour group. He doesn't usually leave his lab during the day anyway." Flash snickered and kicked his seat.

"Yeah right. Like I'm going to believe you. Like Tony Stark would know Penis Parker."

Ned patted his back and told him to ignore Flash. He would soon see that Peter wasn't lying.

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