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ORIAN, the home planet of a colony of 3 inhabit planet of a race of humans. Is a distaned cousin of the people of Earth.

The second planet closest to there sun is called BATA DELORE. It is inhabit by the ORIAN race but it is also inhabit by the original inhabitants called  ORDEN.

The ORDEN race is believed to be the original race that link the ORDEN and HUMANS.

Although they are related, the ORIAN have ruled over the people of BATA DELORE for thousands of years. In cival war that was fought between the ORIAN RACE and the ORDEN the people of ORIAN became slave workers and most are conceded a lesser race.

But on the work camp on BATA DELORE the first public protest began.

But on the work camp on BATA DELORE the first public protest began

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The first stand office between the ORIAN AND ORDEN.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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