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I took a deep breath, and stepped into Hollywood Arts, my heart pounding. There was so many attractive people around and my head started to spin so much that I bumped into someone and almost tripped. "Hey!" The girl yelped. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Let me Uh-" I started checking up on her, causing her cheeks to go pink. "It's fine, I'm fine! You just surprised me, that's all!" The girl said. "Oh it's alright then?" I asked. "Yeah, it's fine" The girl said as I started to examine her. She had brown hair and legendary cheekbones, and she was wearing a pink sweater with jeans. "Hey, are you even listening?" The girl asked, making me zone back in. "Oh um sorry! I was zoning out" I said. "I was saying, that I'm Tori, what's your name?" Tori asked. "I'm Y/n" I smiled awkwardly. "Wait! Are you Y/n L/n?" Tori asked me. "Uh Yeah, that's me" I giggled nervously. "Oh my gosh, you're the girl from Italy! They said you were very talented" Tori smiled, holding out her hand and I took it and we shook hands. "Oh thanks" I smiled. "Want a tour?" Tori asked. "Sure Tour-ri" I joked as she smiled. "This is your locker. You can decorate the inside however you like" Tori said, showing me to a locker that was f/c with stars on it" Oh! Cool! I love it! It's actually my f/c" I smiled. "They make the lockers based on your personality" Tori explained. "So what's next?" I asked. "Oh, that's all I was asked to show you but I can introduce you to some of my friends!" Tori said. "Aight, let's go!" I smiled. "Cat! Come over here!" Tori motioned to a cute red haired girl. "Hello! You like tigers?" Cat smiled, looking at me. "Uh I guess?" I questioned. She quickly showed me her coloured picture. "Look! It's a tiger!" Cat laughed as I laughed with her. "Uh Cat, just introduce yourself" Tori said. "Oh! I'm Cat, what's your name?" Cat smiled, holding out her hand which I shook. "Y/n" I smiled awkwardly. "Hey Tori, who's the new girl?" A good looking black guy came up to us. "Andre! This is Y/n, Y/n, this is Andre" Tori smiled. "Whassup?" Andre smiled, shaking my hand. "Hey" I smiled. "Beck! Come over and introduce yourself!" Tori smiled at a really cute American Boy. "Hey there" Beck smiled. "H-hi" I smiled, overwhelmed at being surrounded by so many good looking people. "Hey, who's the cute girl?" A black haired curly boy came up to us. "Robbie, no. This is Y/n" Tori introduced. "Hi" I shook his hand. Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in my sight, one I had wished that I could never see again, but there she was, with her green highlighters. "Jade" I gritted my teeth. "Y/n" she glared at me. "You two know each other?" Tori asked. "Yes, unfortunately" Jade said. "We met when we were six" I explained, glaring at Jade. "Oh, I get that you two aren't, y'know" Andre made a hand motion and I shook my head. "Friends? Never" I said. "How's your little pet-" Jade began. "Don't start West" I glared. "Ahaha! There goes the bell! Y/n! You're in our class! Let me show you where!" Tori said smiling. "Yes thank you Tori" I said, glaring at Jade as Tori led me to class early. There was a man in there, who was I was assuming to be our teacher. He looked kinda weird, the top of his head bald with hair around the edges. "Y/n L/n?" The teacher asked. "Yes sir" I nodded. "You can call me Sikowitz, now sit down for class" Sikowitz said as I sat down next to Tori as all the others started flooding in. Andre and Tori got up and started doing an interesting act, but my thoughts were all over the place so I didn't pay attention. "Okay okay! Take em off! See , not so easy to perform a scene when you have a bucket on your head , is it?" Sikowitz asked. "Was it supposed to be?" I asked. "I could do it no problem" Jade glared at me. "No one asked you West" I glared back. "No" Tori replied. "It's difficult" Andre said. "Yes, well, class dismissed" Sikowitz said. "But we still have more time" Jade said. "Yeah, way to state the obvious West" I shared a death stare with her. "We do? How much?" Sikowitz asked. "Approximately 55 minutes" I said, using my phone to calculate. "Oh..Oh! Well actually I do have something I need to discuss with some of you. Tori! Cat! Andre! Y/n! Robbie! Jade! Please stay, the rest of you, they wonder the halls" Sikowitz opened the door and all the other students went out. "Why did you make them leave?" Cat asked. "Hm. I don't know, they never talk" Sikowitz said. "Fair enough" I shrugged. "Yeah, they just sit there and react" Tori said as we all made agreeing noises. "So what do you want with us?" Jade asked. "Who likes parades?" Sikowitz asked. There was a lot of random answers and then Jade yelled, "No one!" "Gotta agree with her on that one" I said. "Aw come on, parades are fun!" Sikowitz said. "One time, my brother was in a parade but he was inappropriate so the parade people called the police and now he's not allowed to be in parades, or be near horses" Cat said as we all looked at her confused. "Play with the pretty keys" Jade held out her keys to Cat, who took them. "Kk!" Cat started playing with the keys while adorably laughing. "So, you all know about the woman I've been dating, Falicia?" Sikowitz asked as there was a lot of muttering. "Well anyway, she's the creative director of this year's Parade Parade" Sikowitz said. "I'be never heard of that" Tori said. "Exactly, it's a parade to help raise awareness of parades" Sikowitz said as we all looked around confused. "Anyway, I sort of promised Falicia, I'd get some of my most, creative students, to build a float and perform!" Sikowitz said. "In the Parade Parade?" Tori asked. "Yes! So, who would like to-" Sikowitz started as me and Jade got up with our bags and went out. "Why did you come?" Jade hissed. "Oh am I not allowed to go outside of class now?" I rolled my eyes. "I could punch your head in, you know" Jade said. "I wouldn't count on that West" I raised an eyebrow. "Try me" Jade said. "I'd rather fight someone worth fighting Thanks" I glared at her. "Why you little- I'll let you off" Jade stopped herself. "Little more self controlled now, are we?" I asked as she gritted her teeth. "Shut up or else" Jade said. "Okay West, not like I wanna talk to you" I turned away and crossed my arms. Jade suddenly pulled me back into the class and I rolled my eyes. "Give me my keys back" Jade said, holding out her hand to Cat. Cat did so and Jade checked her keys. "Where's my house key?" Jade asked as Cat rubbed her stomach. Jade, Tori And I shared a glance and realised. "I'll take her to the nurse" Tori said, taking Cat's hand. "I swallowed it" Cat said. "We'll see it again" I said as they headed out of the classroom.

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