Stop. Don't shoot. Stop!
Is what my people yell as their being targeted , one shot to the right hit the lung , 2 shots to the left hit Ya heart.
got my people In shackles since we exited slave ships now they got shackles on our mind playing hang man with a young black teen.
Minorities don't even know their worth because since our woman bore our breed we are told we don't matter . The government don't wanna help us but they constantly strap just like I , so do I have the right to ...
Am I wrong for protecting my life because a man can go to jail over a k-9 but not a black male , I guess my flesh isn't worthy of justice because justice has bandages over her eyes ,justice has bruises and burns on the skin , justice has been sodomized since birth .. Neglected by society , justice is just a name in a thin air.
constitutional rights violated when they beat us with clubs and tried to wash our sins with waterholes when they're the ones who need a cleansing ..
There is something burning in my soul and I just gotta let it go , oppressed because of my pigment , got the police pulling me over , face down on the concrete , lock me up
They might as well kill me now but you can't kill a race that's been dead for generations .
like Jesus my people always rise , we are the clutch race , if you ask me
I got 10 fingers to hold up and tell u Stop, Don't shoot , stop!
And for every finger is every shot , one to my left thigh , 4 in my chest , 3 in my back and 2 right to the skull ..
Trigger happy police so quick to blast bullets but never to speak peace , lie thru their teeth , tellin me to be nonviolent .. Got military mobs aimed at me , while the inner city gangs prepare to retaliate..
Fire!This right here could be a race thing , we could talk about what white people have done but yet we burn down our own cities to prove what ?
Be educated make a difference because a picture of a Negro with a book surprises these "white folk"
I refuse to go a day and not learn , each day we wait is each day this world gets worst ..
Everybody wanna be a nigga till its time to be down for your people and nobody wanna be a nigga , the word nigga was used to degrade us as a people now it's used to adore one another .
Lord! Lord! Help !
Because i got something in my soul burning real slow , I can't take it no more !
But I rather fire shots of knowledge to the system than to fire bullets .. That's what they want
Don't give in , stand and be one and fire with your brain not your handguns.