With every action, a reaction.

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It's been a few months since Hisao had fallen into a coma. About three months since the great battle. They've suffered terrible losses but all in all, Muzan was defeated. Finally, no one will ever have to suffer like they have. No more blood will be spilt. But some things, don't always end happily for everyone. " Kija-san." Kyo called him as the younger Kakushi blinked from looking up at the wisteria flowers. " Why don't you go down to the town today with Gotou?"

" H-Hold up." Gotou began. " Are you sure about this?" He whispered to the elder Kakushi.

" What do you say, Kija-san?" He said as he nudged Gotou.

" Sure, I don't mind." Kija said with a smile. " What are we getting?" He asked him.

" Uh, well, just a couple things. Some insense and material to fix the crow houses." Gotou told him.

" Is that so?" Kija said quietly as they began to descend down the mountain. He noticed some peculiar behavior from the man who was once a demon. Kija would glance up a lot and stare at the wisteria trees, he'd flinch or pause at certain places and stared for the longest time at the grave at the foot of the mountain. " ...So, lead the way."

The man was very quiet most of the time but he'd crack a joke once in a while and soon they'd start talking about a number of different topics on their way to town. " Thank you very much." Gotou said to the shop keeper as he received some of the items. He glanced at Kija and saw something off about the man. " Hey, are you okay?" Gotou asked him as he patted his shoulder. Kija flinched a bit and blinked.

" I'm fine." He said, turning away. His eyes were sharp and wide, he was visibly nervous about something and walked briskly on the way back. But as they neared the mountain, Gotou noticed that the sun would be setting soon and it'll get dark. Kija slowed down as they neared the mountain, he practically froze after taking the first few steps past the shrine.

" Kija-san?" Gotou looked back at him, his entire body was visibly shaking. He was mumbling something in audible as he took a couple steps back and covered his ears. " Hey, are you okay?"

" Cut it off." He said suddenly with sharp eyes looking around wildly before settling on Gotou. " Cut it off....Cut off my head!" He started to scream as the other Kakushi took a couple steps back. " Cut. Off. My. Head!" He grabbed the other man and pinned him against one of the Wisteria. " Why? Why can't I just die!?" He practically screamed at the other man with grit teeth. Gotou turned away from him with his eyes screwed shut as Kija had unraveled his binds unconsciously. His face softened looking at the other man's reaction and so did his grip. He sank to his knees as the binds went limp. " Why...?" He said in a shaking voice as tears stung his eyes.

Gotou was silent as the former demon started to cry. With a small sigh he sat down in front of him and hesitantly opened his arms. Kija looked up at him, the awkward gesture staying still. Unexpectedly, he hugged him and buried his face into Gotou's shoulder as he cried. " You're gonna be fine." He told him. " Arakawa-san believes that you deserve to live. As his friend, wouldn't you trust his judgement?"

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