Sushi Love

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Ah! June in Toronto...wasn't quite what Remy had in her mind for the past 4 months. She waited so patiently for what felt like forever as she chatted away with her best friend Cal. Both girls waited as patiently as they could for the Hi-touch to start. Hearing the hoots and hollars grow they looked around trying to see what was going on. Were the boys being brought out? did they finally relax for a bit that they could handle seeing Monbebe? 

the girls watched as they walked out on to a small platform where they waited with their hands clasp together or behind their back. Cal met countless celebrities over the years thanks to being into all sorts of things that were relevant to pop culture. 

Chatting away to each other, they didn't even notice that it was their turn until Minhyuk loudly screamed at them. 

"HEY! Its your turn ya know!" he proclaimed. 

Cal wasn't expecting an idol to yell or at least show at them.  

"Ah Arasseoyo" she responded out of reflex in perfect Korean. Cal took all the classes she could find on the language. Even living in Korea for 2 months while she took real intensive programs. Realizing that she had spoken kinda harshly she covered her mouth with her hand. Her green eyes wide uncertain what would happen. 

Minhyuk and the rest of the guys in Monsta X were no only surprised and kind of impressed that she knew some Korean. Though a lot of people did now a days. It wasn't quite uncommon. 

As the girls got closer she could see that Remy was starting to panic and fidget with her fingers, placing her hand on her friends shoulder she smiled sweetly. 

"you're going to be ok" 

the line went quickly before she knew it she was standing in front of Shownu. hearing his stomach growl over the ambient noise of the guests waiting she giggled. 

"Have you eaten?" she asked him with a smile. 

"no, not yet" he responded to her question in Korean. he was getting more and more impressed with her language skill.

"well then, we will be at the restaurant Koi Koi. Around 11pm, I you like sushi you all should come eat with us." Her Korean was really good, Cal was impressed with her self. 

The fluidity in her speech made Shownu smile. He normally didn't accept random dinner invited but he found himself accepting before he could out any rational thought into it.  At least she invited the whole group.' he found himself thinking. His brown eyes looked her over as he held her hands. her bright green eyes and smile, he found himself trying to memorize her face like he was never going to see her again. then again, with his schedule that was likely he case.  

the girls waved good buy as they meeting came to a too quick end. it was almost bitter sweet, Cal had a feeling he only accepted to be polite and had every intention of not even showing up. I mean who would? just show up to dinner with the girls who had the nuts to invite them. Stranger things have happened but Cal nor Remy didn't want to get their hopes up.  The girls spent a good amount of time getting ready. Cal kept her shoulder length red hair pin straight with her navy blue Magahrid sweater with light blue jeans and some heels that match her outfit color.  she sported her favorite pair of earrings her Twotuckgom Nunu birthstone earrings that her mother got her for her birthday just a few months prior. Remy had on her favorite pair of camo ankle boots which she paired with a green shit that had a deep V which was covered in black see through mesh with blue jeans.  Her hair was a nice semi deep orange shade which played well with the green tones. 

As the girls were seated, Cal took out a few papers and a booklet that she had prepared for Remy. Cal was doing her best to teach her friend all the Korean that she knew for free since learning a new language from scratch was really hard. Not to mention expensive.  the sky was dark with the twinkle of stars as the girls ate and went over the characters and vowels. they didn't even realize that there were 6 men stairing at them through the window of the restaurant. 

Shownu smiled as he saw the big smile on her face as she pointed with her chopsticks. she looked to be laughed, Shownu found himself itching to get inside. Motioning for the guys to follow him they walked inside and made their way to the table. his eyes never left her, not even for a second. It was like he was just be lining it towards the table.  Cal's back was to the door of the restaurant whens he saw Remy stop dead and her eyes were wide and looking over her shoulder. 

"Remy, you ok?" she asked as she turned her head and let her eyes glance over her shoulder. her eyes eyes widened as she saw the entirety of Monsta X behind her.  A smile broke out on her face. 

"I didn't think you would actually come" she said her voice was slow and sultry as she looked up at him through her dark lashes. 

Changkyun pushed through his hyungs and cleared his throat. "Do you mind if we join you?" he asked his voice was so low it seemed like if he got the vibrations just right he could cause earthquakes.  

Remy smiled "for sure, we don't mind" she waved her hand over while she scooted closer to the window. Cal scooted over as well and Shownu made work of the advantage and slipped himself in right beside her. Jooheon managed to get himself into the booth beside Remy and pointed and smiled at Hyungwon who tried to make a play for the same seat. So instead he nestled himself beside Shownu. Where Changkyun sat beside jooheon and Kihyun managed to get a chair to sit at the head of the table. 

Kihyun knew that if he sat anywhere in the booth that wasn't beside one of the girls he would look so small. He wasn't about to have that, no thank you. 

Kihyun noticed the papers and the book strewn about the table. "Were you learning Korean together?" he asked raising an eyebrow and tilting his head slightly. A small smile played at his lips, it was still so weird to actually see someone learn his language  let alone in front of him. 

"Well, I was teaching her. I'm not amazing but I'm good enough that I can teach someone the basics" she said with a smile.

Remy nodded "I'm on vowels right now" she said very proudly. 

Jooheon turned his head to look at her "Oh yeah?" he asked confidently. "Show me what you got" he asked nudging her with his shoulder. 

Remy couldn't believe it, she was almost stunned into silence until he handed her a napkin with a character on it. she knew what sound it made but for some reason her vocal cords just didn't want to listen right now. She felt her friends hand on hers from across the table. it was encouraging. 

This was so weird. This being friends with Monsta X

word count: 1234

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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