Crazy For You

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A/n: So I was inspired by these songs and I made a story containing the Song lyrics in it. The songs I used were breezeblocks  by alt-j  and sweet caroline by Neil diamond ok let's get started.

Momo: Please don't go, Please dont go. I love you so. I love you so. Please break my heart.

Momo repeated it over and over. Y/n walked back into the shared house. She shared it with her girlfriend, Momo. Y/n looked down the long dark hallway. Momo was mumbling these words she couldn't hear. Momo was rocking back and front with her hands on her head. As y/n walked closer, the words became clear. She heard them before. The night momo was sleep talking not to long ago. Y/n bend down. She wrapped her arms around momo.

Momo: Please don't go, I'll eat you whole, I love you so, I love you so, I love you so.

Momo wrapped her arms around Y/n's body tightly.  Y/n tried to get up but momo pulled her back down. She tried to push her away but momo was too strong. She didnt have a choice. She had to do it. She bit her. Momo screamed in pain. Y/n ran down the long, never ending hallway. She was almost there but than something got in her way making her trip. Momo locked the front door. She began crawling towards y/n. Y/n  started backing up until her back hit the wall.

Momo: I love you so, I love you so, I love you so

Momo than knocked her out.
When Y/n woke up, she was chained to a pole. Y/n looked to her left. Her two ex bestfriend were tied up, crying. Music began playing. Momo danced down the stairs to the basement. She was covered in blood. Momo dragged Aniya one of the two ex bestfriends of Y/n. She put her on a table and poured water on her.

Momo: Touching me, Touching you~

Momo hooked Aniya up to a car battery. Shocking her.

Momo: Sweet Caroline~

She caressed Y/n's cheek. A little blood getting on her cheek. Momo pulled out her gun. She shot the second one 3 three times. Twice in the shoulder and once in the head.
Momo untied Y/n from the pole and picked her up.

Momo: Let's go eat

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