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Grace. Grace Dame. I'm extremely photogenic. i spend 4 hours a day taking photos to find the most attractive one. I am very confident in myself. i'm not insecure about anything, not even my nose. And that's huge. I do try my best to look nice. But it's not working. The truth is, i really want a boyfriend. If i had a boyfriend, then i wouldn't spend nearly 5 hours a day getting ready to look good for the camera. It's the love i miss. Since i broke up with my boyfriend Nate, i've been feeling depressed. i've been to councillors and everything. The only way that i do cure my depression is through my phone, well being more specific, my camera. It's like the most precious thing to me. I would die if i didn't have my phone to take a selfie. But yeah, i just want to find love. I have a crush on this kid called Gabe, but he has like this rule that he can't only love one person, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. It's a load of bullshit if you ask me.

But there's a little bit about me ;)

Guys i'm so sorry this chapter is short. But don't worry i'm going to post the full novel of this with about 30 chapters :)

Make sure you follow my instagram alexawritesxo for all the sneak peeks :)

Photogenic Where stories live. Discover now