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SEAN came back after two days, and was received by a tight slap from YIBO.

"BODI!!! "

SEUNG YOUN yelled....

"Wow!! That's a hearty welcome."

SEAN said wiping the traces of blood from his lips as YIBO hissed in anger...

"Why didn't you come? Why didn't you inform anything? Just vanished into thin air. Disappearing completely after irritating me for days. You suck. You suck real bad MR. SEAN, you are a loser. You are a goddamn pathetic.... Mmmmmmnnn."

SEAN pulled YIBO to a deep, passionate kiss. YIBO was flabbergasted. It took him a minute to overcome the shock and register what was going on. And as he regained his senses, YIBO pushed off SEAN. And walked away as fast as he could, almost stumbling all his way.

For the first time he cursed his blindness. He just wanted to run away as fast but his not able to see, prohibited him from doing so.


Finally, the day arrived when UNIQ BAND'S huge performance was scheduled. And they performed on stage with everything in them. There was huge applause after they were done. They were praised by everyone.

Next day, was the day they were leaving Beijing

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Next day, was the day they were leaving Beijing. Everyone was ready, but YIBO sat waiting for SEAN.

"Bodi, get on the bus. He won't come now. Not anymore."

"Nope. He will. He has to."

YIBO said with both tears & determination in his eyes. SEUNG YOUN was tearing up too. He could feel the pain of his best friend's heart. He wished SEAN would come. Even if for once, even if to say goodbye, break up with YIBO or take him away with him, break his heart or bond with him forever.... Anything, absolutely anything but come..

"Let's sit in the bus, and wait for him then ok."

He said. YIBO complied. The bus finally started, still there was no sign of SEAN.

"Please, come. Please come, please....please...."

YIBO muttered.

Suddenly, someone knocked the closed door. YIBO instantly got up and started walking towards door. He stumbled, just as the automatic door opened and fell right into two strong arms, a familiar embrace. He touched the face of that person frantically, as silent tears rolled down his cheek.

𝑺𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝑨𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆Where stories live. Discover now