Where's Penelope?! Note

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                                                                                      Penelope P.O.V

It's been a week since I started to get the notes and everything started and the UNSUB hasn't stopped. Everyone is one their toes, whenever I get a package, I can't open it with out someone from the team. I go to the office sometimes to visit so I am not just sitting at my house. Oh, and I also have a cop-car sitting outside my apartment. So yeah, that's fun. Not. Right now I was sitting in my apartment with Derek trying to decide what to cook for dinner, but I guess I don't have any food. "I am gonna run to the store baby-girl so I can get you some food, are you gonna be ok alone?" Derek asked. "Yeah, I'll be ok.  I just gonna lay down for a bit anyways, I'll be ok angel." I said. "Ok, I'll be back in a few minutes baby." Derek said kissing my forehead and go to the door. He walked out and I heard him locking the door. I let out a sigh and sat on the couch. I put my head back and looked at the ceiling. What would I do without Derek in my life? He is absolutely amazing. If you guys haven't figured it out, I am in love with Derek Morgan. He is, is just-. 

*Knock* Knock* Knock*

I was cut off by someone knocking, or it sounded more like pounding. Should I open it? What if it's Reid or someone from the team that has information? I let out a sigh and got up from the couch. I picked up my phone and walked to the door. The knocking got louder. "Hold your horses!" I yelled. I opened the door and came face to someone that I don't know. "Um, who are you?" I asked, slightly confused. "You don't remember me Penelope? I am the one who been sending you all the gifts and making sure you're ok." The man said walking into my apartment. "Y-you're the lady killer!?" I exclaimed. "I am, but the reason I killed them is so I can have you doll." He said walking closer to me. "Just leave me alone." I said, trying to stay strong. "Aww Pen, baby. Let's take you home, you look upset." He said. "I am home! You're a psycho!" I yelled at him. "I don't even know your name!" I yelled again. "I am not psycho! How dare you! I love you, now come on let's go home." He said, grapping my wrist tightly. "I am home." I said. "No you're not. You aren't with me. You're not home without me and you are certainly not home with Derek Morgan around." He said, with venom in his voice at the mention of my chocolate angel. "What do you have against Morgan? He's my best friend." I said. "He loves you and he's taking you away from me! You're mine!" The man yelled. Pushing me into the wall. I hit my head really hard. I felt the back of my head and felt a small bump. "Now let's go Penelope." The man said. "No!" I yelled. "Fine, you want to do it the hard way." He said. "What are you-" I started to say, but he punched me across the face. Before I passed out, I felt something coming out of my mouth and I instantly knew it was blood. He picked me up by my hair and than I passed out praying Derek and the team would save me.

                                                                           Derek P.O.V

I walked up to Penelope's apartment to see that he door was wide open. Penelope doesn't just leave her doors open, especially with this psycho on the loose. I walked in and dropped the bag's of groceries on the ground not caring about them knowing my baby-girl might be hurt. "Baby-girl!?" I yelled into the apartment. I walked around, until I stepped on something squishy. I looked down and saw a small puddle of blood at my feet. My blood instantly ran cold. I ran out of the apartment and got into my SUV and drove to Quiantico. I rushed up to the team. "Guys, Penelope's missing!" I yelled running into the conference room. "What do you mean she's missing Morgan?" Hotch asked. "I-I went to the grocery store since she didn't have any food, I made sure I looked the door and than I left. When I came back, front door was wide open and as I walked there was a small puddle of blood on her floor." I said trying to keep it together. "P-please tell me this is some sick joke." Reid said, looking like he was about to explode or have a breakdown, maybe both. "I wish I could Reid." I said looking down. "I should've stayed." I said, hitting the table. "Morgan, this isn't your fault. This guys has been stalking Penelope for years, he was just waiting for the perfect time to take her and since you left, he saw his opportunity and took it." Rossi said. "Yeah Morgan, this isn't your fault. We're gonna get our girl back and put this SOB in jail for a long long time." JJ said. I nodded my head. The same girl from last week, the one that gave Penelope the box came in holding a piece of paper. "Um this is addressed to Derek Morgan." She said handing me the paper and walking out.

Dear Morgan,

        Isn't it funny how I have your girl? Well, she was never your girl to begin with. She has always been mine. I don't know what she see's in you. You're nothing and you will always be nothing. You couldn't even save Penelope from me! What kinda best friend are you!? Penelope deserve's better friends than her little team. You guys are worthless. You guys will never find me and my Penelope.


Is what the note said. I read it aloud so everyone can hear it. "Who the hell does this guy think he is!? We are Penelope's family!" Reid said. "Reid, calm down. We have to stay calm for Penelope." JJ said, she looked like she was about to cry. "We have to find anything about this guy. A name or something. He finally has what he wanted." Hotch said. "But what is he gonna do to Penelope now?" JJ asked. "I-I don't know. We need to find something before something worse happens." Hotch said. He sounded alittle choked up. Rossi was glaring at the piece of paper in my hands. No body messes with our Penelope, nobody messes with my Penelope.

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