The Better Star Wars Episode 3

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Episode 3

On Courasnt the jedi council recieved a jedi distress call that hasen't been used in over 3000 years. The jedi soon discovered it was from the planet of Telos. "Why would there be a jedi distress call from that location," asked master kenobi. "In trouble the planet is. Go someone must," replied master Yoda. "I think someone that is a member of the council should go to Telos," answered master Windu. "I think Kit should go to investigate." "All in favor say I. I, I, I, I. "Then it is settled Master Fisto will go," answered Windu.

On arrival master Fisto and his men came to the realisation  that there was nothing. Everything had been destroyed. Kit then moved towards the north pole. When He arrived he noticed on one of the torn flags in the ruins of the temple an ancient insignia of the jedi. Suddenly Kit's eyes were fixed on the most greusome sight he has ever seen, bodies of jedi and jedi younglings, He then relised that this was the remains of a secret base that operated jedi traing facilaty. There was only one survivor, a Mon Cala padawan named Jasta Napp. Before Fisto could even think of what he just saw a whole legion of droids came out along the horizen.

Before they Knew it blaster fire was coming straight for them. Fisto's men all fought valliently but all of them were killed. The two jedi fought their all the way to the ship. They wre both very tired. Then without question Jasta jumped in front of master fisto to save him from a blaster bolt that was heading straight towards him. "No!," shouted master Fisto as he jumped into the ship. "I will not let his sacrifice be in vein." When he arrived on courasant he arived with the body of the young jedi. "Master Yoda he died to save me. The jedi toke out the ritual of burning the body in honour of what he had done. After the ceremoy Fisto asked the grim question of what now?

Special thanx to coolyben_12 for helping me with some of the ideas. I'd also like to thank all the people who have read my books. You guys are great!      

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