The One That Got Away

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The next morning, Jones called Camila to tell her what he had learned. She didn't answer. Strange. He called a couple more times, but still no answers. They all rung until they went to voicemail. Jones quickly got dressed, grabbed his gun, and headed for Camila's house.

He arrived at her front gate, and it was already open. He sped in and pulled up at the driveway. Her car was there. The front door was unlocked. Jones cocked his revolver, and slowly entered the residence. It was dead quiet. He entered the room where Camila and he had discussed the case. There was a note on the floor, that was quite crumpled. He picked it up, and it read:

"You had your chance."

The phone rang. Jones had a horrible feeling in his stomach. He picked it up.

"Stay out of our business, Detective." A deep voice said.  Jones' blood ran cold, but he mustered his courage together.

"Who is this? Where is she?" He demanded. 

"If your life is worth anything to you, your case ends here." The voice stated, before hanging up. Jones dropped the receiver, realizing the house was definitely empty. He didn't even have a client anymore. For once, Jones' detective mind was racing, but it couldn't get a comprehensive thought. He couldn't decide what to do. Inevitably, Jones decided it was time to drop the case. Jones decided to leave, and never look back; he cut his losses and figured that this case was much bigger than one private investigator. At that point he'd be solving the case for his own curiosity. And you know what they say; curiosity killed the cat. But this cat knew better. 

Jones ended up moving out of that state. He felt like he had a target on his back, and like every crime after that would lead back to the cult he discovered. Jones finally ended up retiring, but this ending was bittersweet. The one case that he couldn't solve cost people their lives; the one that got away. 

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