Chapter Sixteen

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It's been eight days since Charlotte left Kath with Henry. She had visited her almost everyday hoping to get Henry to talk to her but he was still adamant.
Henry made sure to take Kath over to his parents, they were shocked at first but it didn't take long for them to start showering Kath with love and affection. He told them everything he felt they should know about him and Charlotte. His mom was really happy to have gained a grand daughter but she cried about the years she missed out on taking care of her. They had a happy family time. Kath asked lots and lots of question about her parents  childhood and her grand parents were more than happy to answer all of them. Henry felt really happy that Kath is slowly becoming a huge part of his life. She had met everybody that is important to him including Ray. He felt really happy at the rate she bonds with them. He is sure mom would surely spoil his daughter.
"So how are you and Charlotte? Do you think you can ever forgive her? "Siren asked joining Henry on the bench outside there house.
He looked at her and was silent.
"You know she did a good job raising that kid alone"She added.
"That was what she wanted. She wanted Kath all to herself"Henry replied.
"I know you are mad. I understand you but I understand Charlotte too"She said taking his hand in his and he turned to face her.
"She was young and confused. Imagine how she must have felt when she found out, I know she should have told you but telling your best friend who has a girlfriend that you are pregnant for him isn't such an easy thing to say"Siren said.
"I don't know what to do mum. I cant stop feeling angry at her"Henry said.
"You have to start by talking to her first. Don't you want to fix all of this? Just follow what your heart tell you. "Siren said.
He stared at her for a while and hugged her.
"I love you mum"He said
"I love you too son"She replied hugging him tighter.
Henry left his family house when ray beeped him, he left Kath with his parents and they were more than happy to have her with them.
"You got to thank me kid that guy almost got you"Ray said to Henry as the tube dropped them in the man cave.
"Thanks"Henry replied absent mindedly.
Ray observed him for a moment.
"What is eating you up kid?"Ray asked.
"Nothing"He replied.
"This is about your problem with Charlotte, isn't it?"Ray said.
"I just don't know what to do Ray, every body expects me to talk to her but i don't want to."Henry replied.
"You know we all want what is best for you and your little family"Ray said
"But we can't force you to talk if you don't want to"he added.
"I just don't want Kath to see me as a bad person"Henry said.
"Nah she won't. I met that kid and i must say she is really smart and sensible. Must have gotten that from the mother's side"Ray said and Henry rolled his eyes.
"I should go already, Kath must be waiting"He said standing up.
"It was just yesterday when you were that tiny little boy now look at you, you are a responsible dad now"Ray said.  Henry smiled at his comment.
"I just want to be someone Kath is proud of. A father she can boast of"Henry replied.
"Of course you are. Am really proud of you kiddo"Ray said punching his shoulder and Henry smiled.
"I need to go now Ray, see you later"He said and left the man cave.
He picked up a sleeping Kath up from his parents place and took her straight to his house where he met Charlotte and Jasper. She was laughing about something Jasper said and he found himself loosing his breath, there was no word to describe how she looked at that moment. He felt his heartbeat increase, he didn't know he was staring till Jasper called his name.
"Henry"He said with raised eyebrow "you should go lay her down".
"That is what i was about doing"He replied awkwardly. Stupid Jasper caught him staring, now he was sure he won't  hear the end of it.
"Can I please take her to her room instead"Charlotte said looking hopefully at Henry.
He didn't say a word, he slowly walked up to her and gently transfered Kath to her. There bodies touched and he could feel the electricity travel down his entire body. There eyes locked, he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.
"I will lead you to the room"He heard himself say. Foolish him, She knows where Kath sleeps. She had been in her room before.
"I know where she sleeps"She replied quietly and left for Kath's room.
"What was that all about?"Jasper asked amused. Henry turned and he could see his amused expression.
"What"He said running a hand through his hair.
"The staring and all that. Char left you speechless"He said with glee.
"Just shut up Jasper"He said not knowing what else to say. Jasper burst out laughing.
"I tucked her in already"Charlotte said joining them some minutes later.
"I will leave now"She added.
"I hope you drop by tomorrow. I had a lot of fun today"Jasper said.
"I will"She replied.
"And Henry thank you for letting me visit Kath here"She said to him and he nodded. Charlotte left feeling very happy, Henry isn't ready to talk to her yet but she could feel his anger towards her subsiding. He actually said a word to her today and that is a big thing. She can't  help but smile remembering the little moment they had. His gaze lasted longer on her today and it wasn't the normal look of hatred he had been giving her, his look today was softer and tender. The way her body reacted when his hands touched hers. His touched sent shiver down her entire body. It made her yearn for more.
Then her phone beeped, it was a message from Henry.
"Meet me tomorrow morning at the park"
She screamed happily and replied immediately. Henry wants to talk to her tomorrow. She rushed to her closet to pick out an outfit for the meeting with the man she loves.

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