CHAPTER1 Rachel Roth, a freak

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Everyone wants all the people to be the same. Being different means the social
Suicide. They call the different a freak.
And i am the one of the freak too.
I am half demon half human.
My dad was a devil and my mom
Is a sorcerer. Maybe it is kinda
natural to be called a freak..
But now no one calls me a freak or a witch anymore. They look at me as a different wasys now.
Do you want to know about my story?

~~~10years old~~~

"Why your eyes are purple??"
"She must wearing a lens of course"
"Why does she never talks?"
"Why her hair is purple?"

They discriminated against me with
Minor things like my hair, eyes color

"I am not wearing lens..."

I always tell the truth but nobody believed it

(Teacher) "Rachel coloring your hair
Is againsting the school rules.
I will give you week so please dye
Your hair black again."

"But..i didn't dye my hair...."

"Do not tell lies rachel. There is no one whose hair is purple.."


Well..i can't tell her that im not a quite human isn't it....

~~~Science class~~~

I was taking notes and suddenly i felt
Someone throw a crumpled paper
At me.. i was very upset but my power
Is controlled by my emotions so i
Tried hard not to feel angry...
But they kept throwing things at me
Like an eraser, pencil, paperclips..
When an eraser hit the back of my head
I wasn't able to control my emotions and my magic power.


i stood up yelled and my powers
Smashed all the windows, glasses and
Teacher's mug cup. They all stared at me in a great fear. I ran to the girls bathroom and cried hard. When i came back to the classroom, they wrote some
Curse words on my desk...
And i hated word "witch" the most
Because i couldn't deny it.
This was the most horrible day in
My life.....they started bullying
Until i go to the middle school
But middle school life was even
More terrible. I found out how
Cruel the world is way too early

~~~16 years old~~~
I decided to move school cuz i
cannot stand in this school
I didn't want to be a newbie because
They also dislike the strangers.
But still i thought it would be better
than here.

"Hi class today we have a new student.
Rachel u may come in.
Her name is Rachel Roth.
I believe everyone will welcome her.
Rachel, do you want to say something?"


"Hmm...then..sit beside damian, green
Eyes, black hair boy."

I heard the girls whispers and scowl
At me. I notice that damian or dimian
Is quite popular in school.

I felt damian staring at me.
He was looking quite nice.
I was nervous a bit..but try to not
Mind about about it.
I can read mind and know their emotions without using my powers
a lot. But i couldn't read his mind
And had hard time picking up his
Emotions. He was unusually good
At being emotionless.

Damian P.O.V

The new girl's name was Rachel.
I find out she was emotionless.
She had an unusual aura.
I notice that she has eyes like amethyst.
She was gorgeous.
When she sat next to me i can feel it.
That she is a mutunt. But i don't think
I will tell this to anyone.

Rachel P.O.V again
Unfortunately the boy who knew
My secret (knowing the accident that i
Broke all the glasses) was in my classroom so some kids still bullied
Me but not everyone bullied me
So i had to satisfy with that.

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